Yes, I thought it would cover a myriad of situations just with that piece of legislation.
if a man or woman has hungry children that they cannot feed, and they know that getting to America will aford them the ability to feed their kids, they will come. period.
the problem isnt anchor babies.
the problem is
1. Businesses find the benifit of working illegal aliens better than the risk of being caught. (this needs to change)
2. Politicians use immagration law as a ploy to get votes. (they vote to limit the number of legal immagrants when they should be raising those numbers to match the actual need)
3. our boarders are protected just enough to still make it easy for illegal aliens to get here but tuff enough that they require very bad men to help them. (we need to seal the souther boarder, then look at the northern one)
we need RATIONAL policy that first CONTROLLS ACCESS, then and only then, we need to scientifically identify the acutal number of LEGAL IMMAGRANTS needed and allow a simple process to bring them in.
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
June 28, 2007 a very important date in American History.
The Senate failed to pass the immigrant reform bill. Now I will make no judgments on the merits of the bill or if the killing of the bill was right or not, but this bill was a sea change in the way America deals with Illegal immigration. While the bill didn’t pass, it is likely that failure to pass the bill will actually also lead to major changes in how America deals with illegal immigration.
I'm so glad it was defeated! Too bad the President was on the wrong side of this bill. But it's not surprising considering he's been for loosening the borders for a while now. Immigration is what started my bitterness against this administration.
I'm from AZ and unfortunately McCain is my Senator -though I didn't vote for him and will never vote for him. A local radio show here said this morning that McCain was speaking on the Senate floor yesterday and said there would be violence in the streets if the bill wasn't passed.
I haven't verified it, but I wouldn't be surprised if he did say that. McCain, the President and others have done everything and said everything to try to force this amnesty bill down our throats. Thankfully it didn't work.
And about the violence in the streets . . . it's a hot, sunny day here in the big PHX, and as of yet I don't see any violence. Too hot!
I'm so glad it was defeated! Too bad the President was on the wrong side of this bill. But it's not surprising considering he's been for loosening the borders for a while now. Immigration is what started my bitterness against this administration.
I'm from AZ and unfortunately McCain is my Senator -though I didn't vote for him and will never vote for him. A local radio show here said this morning that McCain was speaking on the Senate floor yesterday and said there would be violence in the streets if the bill wasn't passed.
I haven't verified it, but I wouldn't be surprised if he did say that. McCain, the President and others have done everything and said everything to try to force this amnesty bill down our throats. Thankfully it didn't work.
And about the violence in the streets . . . it's a hot, sunny day here in the big PHX, and as of yet I don't see any violence. Too hot!
this was a bad bill for a LOT of reasons. amnesty being only one.
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
if a man or woman has hungry children that they cannot feed, and they know that getting to America will aford them the ability to feed their kids, they will come. period.
the problem isnt anchor babies.
the problem is
1. Businesses find the benifit of working illegal aliens better than the risk of being caught. (this needs to change)
2. Politicians use immagration law as a ploy to get votes. (they vote to limit the number of legal immagrants when they should be raising those numbers to match the actual need)
3. our boarders are protected just enough to still make it easy for illegal aliens to get here but tuff enough that they require very bad men to help them. (we need to seal the souther boarder, then look at the northern one)
we need RATIONAL policy that first CONTROLLS ACCESS, then and only then, we need to scientifically identify the acutal number of LEGAL IMMAGRANTS needed and allow a simple process to bring them in.
The rational behind the amendment is to take away a big factor in them coming here - the anchor babies. I believe that is the biggest factor for them.
We have to whittle away at every incentive, but you are right - a whole lot more to the issue.
Personally, here, I see Mexican men fathering children on both sides of the border and it gripes me to no end. I guess, in a way, it is a little satisfaction to me that they can't make the babies legal - no matter how many they want to father.
If a 5 year old has a dad that robbed banks would you make the same arguement for sending that kid to jail?
PO, we do not punish children for the sins of their fathers....or mothers.
you are making a very good argument for slavery reperations....(I think that is a very bad idea too)
It isn't punishing the children, IMO. It is stopping the nonsense of Mexicans coming here, easily, to become American citizens for the wrong reasons. They don't give a hang about it. Yes, for food, but not for what we want them here for.
Don't move in here and hang your flag on the front porch.
The rational behind the amendment is to take away a big factor in them coming here - the anchor babies. I believe that is the biggest factor for them.
We have to whittle away at every incentive, but you are right - a whole lot more to the issue.
Personally, here, I see Mexican men fathering children on both sides of the border and it gripes me to no end. I guess, in a way, it is a little satisfaction to me that they can't make the babies legal - no matter how many they want to father.
The rational is twisted. it hurts the kids not the parents.
Now if you want to pass a law that removes the "anchor" and allows a state to deport the family, then allow the child to return to America as a legal adult citizen, we can talk.
but I dont believe the "ancor baby" is the big factor. the come here for money. you take away that money they will not stay.
by taking away the money, I mean allow more legal immagration, and severly punish businesses that hire illegals.
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
I'm so glad it was defeated! Too bad the President was on the wrong side of this bill. But it's not surprising considering he's been for loosening the borders for a while now. Immigration is what started my bitterness against this administration.
I'm from AZ and unfortunately McCain is my Senator -though I didn't vote for him and will never vote for him. A local radio show here said this morning that McCain was speaking on the Senate floor yesterday and said there would be violence in the streets if the bill wasn't passed.
I haven't verified it, but I wouldn't be surprised if he did say that. McCain, the President and others have done everything and said everything to try to force this amnesty bill down our throats. Thankfully it didn't work.
And about the violence in the streets . . . it's a hot, sunny day here in the big PHX, and as of yet I don't see any violence. Too hot!
So we continue to give them amnesty by default!!
__________________ For it is written, "As I live, says the Lord every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall give praise to God. (Romans 14:11- NASB)
The rational is twisted. it hurts the kids not the parents.
Now if you want to pass a law that removes the "anchor" and allows a state to deport the family, then allow the child to return to America as a legal adult citizen, we can talk.
but I dont believe the "ancor baby" is the big factor. the come here for money. you take away that money they will not stay.
by taking away the money, I mean allow more legal immagration, and severly punish businesses that hire illegals.
I don't see it that way. The Mexican government needs to get on board and get their country going on something more than drugs.
I read an article about some Mexican women that were starting a business making cactus jelly. They needed some capital and I think Mexico needs to step up to the plate and look at what they could do with their own people's skills in the way of crafts, etc, much like Africa has been doing.
I don't see it that way. The Mexican government needs to get on board and get their country going on something more than drugs.
I read an article about some Mexican women that were starting a business making cactus jelly. They needed some capital and I think Mexico needs to step up to the plate and look at what they could do with their own people's skills in the way of crafts, etc, much like Africa has been doing.
clearly Mexico has failed its people. and reguardless of how you see it, when you take away the right of a person born in Amercia from being an American citizen, because of the law breaking of their parents, you are punishing the baby for the sins of their parents...
and you are going against 230 years of American tradition AND established Constitutional law.
We need to deal with the issue. NOT deal with the innocent children of the issue.
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!