Originally Posted by Rhoni
Dear Chosen,
There is no scripture for or against re-baptism, but I will tell you of many experiences that I have had, especially within the scope of my ministry.
Many of us were raised in the church and just took it as the right thing to do when we got baptized from 5-12 years of age. Many of us have chosen, as adults, to be re-baptized full well understanding our sin nature and knowing that God is the only one who can wash us white as snow.
As for you; no person can make that decision for you. The first time you asked for forgiveness - God was there. He knows our frame and what we are made of. As far as God is concerned...your sins are gone, but if being re-baptized today knowing and understanding what a sacrifice Jesus made when he took all of our sins on to himself...then I'd say...go for it.
God won't feel any different about you but you may feel different about yourself. If you choose this route...let me know, and I will come.
Love & Blessings, Rhoni
Thank you, Rhoni and everyone. I must admit I'm even more unsure of this feeling that I can't shake... maybe it is residual guilt of my past rebellion and the consequences of my sin.
Many of you have shared similar thoughts and beliefs that I have held regarding homosexuality, which was what the Bible referred to as an abomination. I not only left the anointing of God, but was involved in unspeakable behavior against the very nature of Jesus.
I was raised and attended both UPC and Church of God (Cleveland), but mostly the COG. I had friends that lived in Houston and they invited me to hear Richard Heard speak at Christian Tabernacle back in 1981. I had already received the Holy Ghost at age 11, but even at that young age I longed for something that I wasn't seeing or feeling in the COG. That night, I knelt at the alter where a brother read
Acts 2:38 and explained to me the plan of salvation. I obeyed and was baptized in Jesus Name at the age of 15.
My grandfather found out about my baptism and I was banned from being around "Jesus Only" people until his passing in 1989. At that time, I was a seaman in the Navy and I found New Life Tabernacle in Napa, CA. That was where I received the revelation of the Oneness of our God and all of His wonderfulness.
Only once did I question the need to be baptized after I received the revelation and Bro. Paul Price assured me that I was born again. After the shame I brought to Christ, my family, friends and myself, I found an alter of forgiveness and the love of our Father.
Now, I am dying. Unless, a miracle happens this year, I will go and receive my reward. I know that Jesus loves me as well as I love him with all my heart, but I even dream that I must be buried again in His name. Believe me, I've written this urge up as everything from some deep seeded guilt to medications to the actual need of those horrible sins to be once and for all remitted.
I now have been assigned a caretaker after my hospital stay and he has seen the anguish that this has caused in my life and he doesn't even know the truth...yet...
As of tonight, I still haven't heard from my pastor. If by chance that he would not baptize me is there any ministers in the Houston area that would be willing to baptize me even if you don't feel that it would be necessary? If anything else, the peace of mind that obeying what I feel in my soul would be worth everything I own.
I couldn't find where there would be a need in the scripture either for re-baptism though I have spent countless hours the last month researching. One scripture that brought more questions to me was when I read Hebrews Ch 10:26
..."For if we sin willfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins".
Too may questions and not enough time. If there would be no more sacrifice for sins for someone who knew truth and walked away from God then why did God lead me back to Him?