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04-01-2019, 08:14 PM
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Re: Mueller Report 🇷🇺
Originally Posted by diakonos
Nah. /s
Or just Nah, Trump is appointed to vanquish the terrible folks...over there?
Seeking clarity not arguing..

04-01-2019, 09:26 PM
Unvaxxed Pureblood
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Re: Mueller Report 🇷🇺
Originally Posted by Wilsonwas
Is there not some one that fears this new attachment to Trump as being installed by God himself to lead glorious America, and the "original chosen" described as the present day nation of Israel against the Russian and Chinese beast nations.
I was raised by severe dispensationalist, pre-trib folks that most assuredly saw present day Israel as part of the fulfillment of both Daniel and Revelation. They expected a return to sacrifice in a new third temple on the temple mount in Jerusalem.
The rhetoric is starting to look like they intend to make their version, complete with the time line laid over a sideways Roman statue...into a reality regardless of any casualty. As long as 40 years ago I heard a preacher link a scripture about "the merchants of Tarnish, and all the young lions thereof" coming to the rescue of Israel....not allowing them to spoil the cries without walls with US...as an ally to Israel. By way of saying Tarshish was responsible for present day England, and basically all the then Western NATO signers. WW3 was a rehash of WW2 with the eastern Euro nations...the ten kings...and China/Russia = Got/MaGog. Seems to fit too easily into a good dream for a Rothschild....
Long ago I moved _ post trib _ and started to doubt that America, and Israel, were on the right side. Or in each others interest.
Does anyone else find the near deification of Trump....not that any of the rouges and scallywags that ran in 16 were any better,.....do you not find it scary. I see posts of "worship services" in the whitehouse. I wonder then would these follow Trump into a desperate and ill advised WW3, with anyone the bankers pulling strings, or Zionists, decide they dislike, Painted in league with 666......
If EB and Co. Are correct and the 70th week was fulfilled in the past.....what sort of future will be made by zealots of Zionism, and proponents of this idea that America .even today...is still the sidekick to the return of God to favoring the seed of Abraham...and the end of Grace ...
Bro. Baxter is coming to our local city, and specifically our church. I am looking for answers on the question of to go? Or not to go....from you all....since I am now not sure that my upbringing was "end-tine" correct. And I find bro. Baxter's belief that America is so special as to join forces with a restored Hebrew state _backed by the God that parted the red sea_ to be just a tad too far down a nationalist, and dispensationalist fantasy to be comfortable with the possible outcomes.
Nationalism is thoroughly Biblical. However, Trump is a mob-connected Zionist puppet. Dispensationalism was massaged and marketed to get Christians on board the Zionist train, to promote the Zionist agenda. Zionism - especially in the form of "Christian" Zionism, has subverted (hoodwinked) Americans into supporting the Zionist cause.
Trump has already lost probably half his base, with bombing Syria, not pulling out of Syria and Afghanistan, continuing the neo-con and neo-liberal interventionist wars for Greater Israel, not stemming immigration (illegal and legal), not prosecuting Hitlery for numerous crimes, banning bump stocks and other anti RKBA statements/actions, and generally being the most cucked Zionist stooge president of all time.
Since the conservatard moooovement has supported all his actual "accomplishments" (tax cuts, bombings and foreign wars, spending through the roof, more immigration, etc) I foresee Trump very likely being a one term president. Unless the democrats run a complete train wreck against him that they can't pass off as a legitimate contender, he's probably not going to be reelected. And the GOP is pretty much already going down in flames. Just as an example, the Texas GOP is EXTREMELY disappointed with the national GOP, and has been for about a decade if not longer, and getting worse.
I can foresee state and local GOP elements seceding and uniting with other disaffected populist paleoconservative types and movements to produce a Nationalist party of some type in the near future. In any event, the GOP is done, just from sheer demographics alone (which the GOP and its apparatchiks like the "Chamber of Commerce" are responsible for as co-conspirators with the democruds).
Unless we're involved in a major catastrophe or existential war, that is. Wartime Presidents usually win reelection.

04-01-2019, 09:35 PM
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Join Date: Dec 2016
Posts: 467
Re: Mueller Report 🇷🇺
Originally Posted by Esaias
Nationalism is thoroughly Biblical. However, Trump is a mob-connected Zionist puppet. Dispensationalism was massaged and marketed to get Christians on board the Zionist train, to promote the Zionist agenda. Zionism - especially in the form of "Christian" Zionism, has subverted (hoodwinked) Americans into supporting the Zionist cause.
Trump has already lost probably half his base, with bombing Syria, not pulling out of Syria and Afghanistan, continuing the neo-con and neo-liberal interventionist wars for Greater Israel, not stemming immigration (illegal and legal), not prosecuting Hitlery for numerous crimes, banning bump stocks and other anti RKBA statements/actions, and generally being the most cucked Zionist stooge president of all time.
Since the conservatard moooovement has supported all his actual "accomplishments" (tax cuts, bombings and foreign wars, spending through the roof, more immigration, etc) I foresee Trump very likely being a one term president. Unless the democrats run a complete train wreck against him that they can't pass off as a legitimate contender, he's probably not going to be reelected. And the GOP is pretty much already going down in flames. Just as an example, the Texas GOP is EXTREMELY disappointed with the national GOP, and has been for about a decade if not longer, and getting worse.
I can foresee state and local GOP elements seceding and uniting with other disaffected populist paleoconservative types and movements to produce a Nationalist party of some type in the near future. In any event, the GOP is done, just from sheer demographics alone (which the GOP and its apparatchiks like the "Chamber of Commerce" are responsible for as co-conspirators with the democruds).
Unless we're involved in a major catastrophe or existential war, that is. Wartime Presidents usually win reelection.
Yeah, but I see a lot of church posting stuff to facebook that borders on Trump worship...and have seen Israeli flags on podiums on platforms..(think the poster is Baptist tho)..I thought these were his base. I did not vote at all in 16...
So go to the Baxter show or no....???

04-01-2019, 09:40 PM
Join Date: Oct 2013
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Re: Mueller Report 🇷🇺
Originally Posted by Wilsonwas
Yeah, but I see a lot of church posting stuff to facebook that borders on Trump worship...and have seen Israeli flags on podiums on platforms..(think the poster is Baptist tho)..I thought these were his base. I did not vote at all in 16...
So go to the Baxter show or no....???
Go, be informed, and get a thorough understanding of what he teaches, and what many in the movement therefore believe, and then, decide for yourself.

04-01-2019, 09:59 PM
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Re: Mueller Report 🇷🇺
Originally Posted by votivesoul
Go, be informed, and get a thorough understanding of what he teaches, and what many in the movement therefore believe, and then, decide for yourself.
K, Perhaps all of the snippets I have heard of him are not the sum of it all. He seems pretty on about the fed for instance, yet a bit to. 'Mercia, ye haw on the idea that we somehow miss the tribulation...assuming there is one ...I have never heard EBs view in any church I was dragged to. And most I went to willingly did not teach out of Revelation or Daniel....
So, when I read myself, with the history being clouded by a rather Zionist view...I don't come to EBs conclusions by way of pre-exposure. I am really having issue with most mainstream upci teaching above Acts 2:38...so I don't want to reinforce that. How do people assign time in history to Bible history??? Since it seems principle of prophecy is also inherent on historical linking to a specific date.
In the end it's only interesting to me to relate to other things. I do not think the "end of the world as we know it" is going to happen before I exit by dying...so ...

04-02-2019, 12:05 AM
Unvaxxed Pureblood
Join Date: Jul 2012
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Re: Mueller Report 🇷🇺
Originally Posted by Wilsonwas
Yeah, but I see a lot of church posting stuff to facebook that borders on Trump worship...and have seen Israeli flags on podiums on platforms..(think the poster is Baptist tho)..I thought these were his base. I did not vote at all in 16...
So go to the Baxter show or no....???
Baxter? Uh, not really necessary, in my opinion.
Yes, there's lots of Trump worship: the remains of the cult of personality, those who simply cannot face the fact they were and are being duped. Just like with Obama, in fact, to an extent. Same psychology.
The main Trump cult who once hailed him as "God-Emperor" have since moved on, many of them now promoting Andrew Yang of all people.
We live in an Idiocracy.

04-02-2019, 04:51 AM
Unvaxxed Pureblood too
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 40,356
Re: Mueller Report 🇷🇺
Originally Posted by Esaias
Baxter? Uh, not really necessary, in my opinion.
Yes, there's lots of Trump worship: the remains of the cult of personality, those who simply cannot face the fact they were and are being duped. Just like with Obama, in fact, to an extent. Same psychology.
The main Trump cult who once hailed him as "God-Emperor" have since moved on, many of them now promoting Andrew Yang of all people.
We live in an Idiocracy.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence

04-02-2019, 04:52 AM
Unvaxxed Pureblood too
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 40,356
Re: Mueller Report 🇷🇺
Originally Posted by Esaias
Nationalism is thoroughly Biblical. However, Trump is a mob-connected Zionist puppet. Dispensationalism was massaged and marketed to get Christians on board the Zionist train, to promote the Zionist agenda. Zionism - especially in the form of "Christian" Zionism, has subverted (hoodwinked) Americans into supporting the Zionist cause.
Trump has already lost probably half his base, with bombing Syria, not pulling out of Syria and Afghanistan, continuing the neo-con and neo-liberal interventionist wars for Greater Israel, not stemming immigration (illegal and legal), not prosecuting Hitlery for numerous crimes, banning bump stocks and other anti RKBA statements/actions, and generally being the most cucked Zionist stooge president of all time.
Since the conservatard moooovement has supported all his actual "accomplishments" (tax cuts, bombings and foreign wars, spending through the roof, more immigration, etc) I foresee Trump very likely being a one term president. Unless the democrats run a complete train wreck against him that they can't pass off as a legitimate contender, he's probably not going to be reelected. And the GOP is pretty much already going down in flames. Just as an example, the Texas GOP is EXTREMELY disappointed with the national GOP, and has been for about a decade if not longer, and getting worse.
I can foresee state and local GOP elements seceding and uniting with other disaffected populist paleoconservative types and movements to produce a Nationalist party of some type in the near future. In any event, the GOP is done, just from sheer demographics alone (which the GOP and its apparatchiks like the "Chamber of Commerce" are responsible for as co-conspirators with the democruds).
Unless we're involved in a major catastrophe or existential war, that is. Wartime Presidents usually win reelection.
You hit a homerun!
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence

04-02-2019, 08:10 AM
Believe, Obey, Declare
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Re: Mueller Report 🇷🇺
Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa
You hit a homerun! 
Sooooo glad I left the Republican party ugh. Intellectual honesty is a nice place to live.
Blessed are the merciful for they SHALL obtain mercy.

04-02-2019, 02:28 PM
Not riding the train
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Re: Mueller Report 🇷🇺
The Real Reasons American Evangelicals Support Israel
Yes, you can find Christians who obsessively focus on the end times and try to match each and every significant news story in Israel with biblical prophecies. Those people are out there, no question. But the vast bulk of Evangelical support for Israel rests on faith in ancient promises, wonder at modern miracles, and a deep conviction that evil forces must not prevail against the Middle East’s most vibrant democracy.
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