His NAME is Jesus!
Originally Posted by mfblume
Truth is not unbalanced but people are unbalanced. To say we must understand prophecy
correctly to be saved is a form of salvation by works. Something apart from the cross that
saves us. Prophecy differs from acts 2:38 because it does not directly remit sins and save us.
What part does prophetic understanding of when Tribulation occurs hold in the work of God
to remit our sins?
Beloved, surely Truth is Truth: it can be denied and/or rejected, but it can never
be overcome.
Now this:
The Apostle John spoke to the church and described the three phases of the believer:
the children, the fathers, and the young men. Each has Truth in their own right.
But each has his own level of Truth. And each has to be ministered to in their personal
level of understanding. The Apostle Paul also wrote of this, calling those levels,
"...the perfection of the saints (fathers);
the work of the ministry (young men);
and the
edifying of the body of Christ" (children).
We have seen members (saints) who seem to be mature because of their age, but
are really very immature: and we have also seen members (saints) wise beyond their years.
It's the same in the natural world: children smoking, drinking and cursing like their fathers:
but nowhere close to maturity. Even so we must attempt to discern the members on
this forum: and judge their true [spiritual] age. Of course I am referring to the
saints who have attained the gospel that saves. Phe ineople who mouth Truth, are not equal
to them tha HAVE Truth! And there are some saints who could be influenced and are,
the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the
simplicity that is in Christ."
Pray that the Lord gives us grace, to speak words to the edification for the church.
Brother Villa