Originally Posted by RevDWW
I think Political correctness has gone a long way in emasculating men.
I do know that real mean can show emotion and yet not be weak. They can handle the harshness of the real world everyday battles and yet come home and be tender with the wife and kids. A real man can take a punch and control his own anger. A real man can fish, hunt, camp and still clean up nice enough to go to a fancy restaurant. A real man can quote the Bible and read Louis L'Amour.
How's that for starters?
I can go further.
Men are told that crying in public is okay, that their natural *ahem* inclinations should be scheduled or ignored and that the women they love are more powerful than they are. Media outlets flood us with stupid shows with super-strength females who are wisp thin like Buffy, and Alias (Jenn Garner) and the like.
But if a man flexes muscle he is considered a neanderthal.