OK. Here's an actual example, though it wasn't written on paper. A man told me that God told him my brother would be healed of cancer.
Did God say that to the man? Can you tell?
Mike, can you?
Sure! Was he healed? If not, then it was not God.
__________________ ...MY THOUGHTS, ANYWAY.
"Many Christians do not try to understand what was written in a verse in the Bible. Instead they approach the passage to prove what they already believe."
So, are you going to continue your answer or not? Can you?
Is it not even important to you?
It's important to me, but I cannot honestly see that it is to you.
__________________ ...MY THOUGHTS, ANYWAY.
"Many Christians do not try to understand what was written in a verse in the Bible. Instead they approach the passage to prove what they already believe."
Location: 150 miles north of the Mississiippi coast
Posts: 495
Re: You find a piece of paper....
At a Sunday Night Service....Mother and Dad, that child over there is coming home. Two days later he called and said, Mama, i'm coming home, can you meet my bus at such and such time? And I did..
At a Sunday Night Service....Mother and Dad, that child over there is coming home. Two days later he called and said, Mama, i'm coming home, can you meet my bus at such and such time? And I did..
__________________ ...MY THOUGHTS, ANYWAY.
"Many Christians do not try to understand what was written in a verse in the Bible. Instead they approach the passage to prove what they already believe."
OK. Here's an actual example, though it wasn't written on paper. A man told me that God told him my brother would be healed of cancer.
Did God say that to the man? Can you tell?
Mike, can you?
Well, since i know your bro was not healed, it is easy for me to say that God did not say that to the guy. But also my position is that God does not really speak to people since our canon is now closed. I even have Scripture that indicates this. But this is an old argument, so surely you've heard them.
There is a reason we can't both be right, no matter the povs. It's simple: God said something to the writer or He didn't. One of our hearts is right and one is wrong.
You're not even trying to make sense, are you?
well, it is my position that the real truth, spiritual 'sense,' is hardly comprehensible to anyone, me included. In this case, yes, there is no pov involved--the guy had an agenda. Now, whether that was to promote positive thinking--a powerful force--or not, it was still wrong of him to put it that way--"God told me _______," even if your brother then went on to a cure, imo; for the simple reason that we have a Scriptural formula for healing, and that is not a part of it. Personally, i run from people who say "God told me ______" now, as 1) i have had some painful experiences there myself, and 2) i now understand the psychology behind the claim. So, it led me to what Scripture advises, which is that charlatans flock to religion for cover.
Maybe it led you somewhere else; maybe for good reason. Personally, i am aware that the Bible we have is corrupted--but we now have access to the original languages, plus a lexicon; and even before all these tools were so easily available, getting the essential part of Scripture was possible even with a KJV, and if the essence is misunderstood, all the perfection of translation in the world would not help one anyway.
Just because a person dies from a disease doesn't mean that person wasn't healed.
In fact, if they're saved, natural death guarantees their healing.
Some of the Jews thought when then Messiah would come, He'd conquer the Romans and usher in a new government. The Messiah came but when He didn't perform the way they thought He would perform, they rejected the Messiah.
Just because they rejected the Messiah doesn't mean that the Messiah didn't come.
"The choices we make reveal the true nature of our character."
Location: Phoenix, AZ.: Baptized in the NAME of the Lord Jesus in 1982.
Posts: 2,065
Re: You find a piece of paper....
Originally Posted by shazeep
well, it is my position that the real truth, spiritual 'sense,' is hardly comprehensible to anyone, me included. In this case, yes, there is no pov involved--the guy had an agenda. Now, whether that was to promote positive thinking--a powerful force--or not, it was still wrong of him to put it that way--"God told me _______," even if your brother then went on to a cure, imo; for the simple reason that we have a Scriptural formula for healing, and that is not a part of it. Personally, i run from people who say "God told me ______" now, as 1) i have had some painful experiences there myself, and 2) i now understand the psychology behind the claim. So, it led me to what Scripture advises, which is that charlatans flock to religion for cover.
Maybe it led you somewhere else; maybe for good reason. Personally, i am aware that the Bible we have is corrupted--but we now have access to the original languages, plus a lexicon; and even before all these tools were so easily available, getting the essential part of Scripture was possible even with a KJV, and if the essence is misunderstood, all the perfection of translation in the world would not help one anyway.
I will only touch upon the points in bold:
You stated: "we have a scriptural formula for healing, and that is not a part of it". You do err, not knowing the scriptures...": What is the gift of the word
of knowledge? Tell us.
You again: "but we now have access to the original languages, plus a lexicon...".
True believers have had access to the Holy Spirit since Pentecost: it is the
Holy Spirit that truly opens up the scriptures and gives one understanding
of God's will and the spiritual realm.
You once more: "if the essence is misunderstood, all... translation in the world
would not help one anyway".The essence can only be misunderstood sans the
Holy Spirit. "For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God."
Just because a person dies from a disease doesn't mean that person wasn't healed.
In fact, if they're saved, natural death guarantees their healing.
Some of the Jews thought when then Messiah would come, He'd conquer the Romans and usher in a new government. The Messiah came but when He didn't perform the way they thought He would perform, they rejected the Messiah.
Just because they rejected the Messiah doesn't mean that the Messiah didn't come.
So true! God's answers to our prayers many times are in ways we could never imagine.