I wouldn't say he couldn't, but why would he influence someone to merely imagine that God has spoken to them? (That's the imagining I was talking about, after all. ). And I would say that nobody can tell if anything (a still small voice, an audible voice, a dream, imagination, et al) is from God or not.
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty
Well in that sense , everything is "from God," is it not? "I created evil." So--although this prolly doesn't tell the whole story--there is a sense in which what one 'hears' from their god, be it God or another god, reveals who they are. ("premises" again )
Well in that sense , everything is "from God," is it not? "I created evil." So--although this prolly doesn't tell the whole story--there is a sense in which what one 'hears' from their god, be it God or another god, reveals who they are. ("premises" again )
You and your "premises"!
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty
I wouldn't say he couldn't, but why would he influence someone to merely imagine that God has spoken to them? (That's the imagining I was talking about, after all. ). And I would say that nobody can tell if anything (a still small voice, an audible voice, a dream, imagination, et al) is from God or not.
God's voice is irrefutable. It can be tested and tried. It helps to compare it to Scripture to ensure that it isn't presenting a radical break from the Bible. However, as I said, the Spirit might challenge time honored "interpretations" of the Scriptures, but not the Scriptures themselves.
Well in that sense , everything is "from God," is it not? "I created evil." So--although this prolly doesn't tell the whole story--there is a sense in which what one 'hears' from their god, be it God or another god, reveals who they are. ("premises" again )
God is the great I AM. It's like an unfinished sentence. "I am..." He is what He will be. He is all in all and in Him we live, and move, and have our being. In a very real sense, all that exists and all reality itself serves as an extension of His self revelation. For example, even Satan serves to reveal God in God's divine plan. How? Because if there were no darkness... we'd never know what light was. Only in relation to what is not perceived as being a part of something can that something be known through contrast. We know good... because we have seen evil. And we know evil... because we have seen good. We know and experience God's love, grace, and mercy towards sinners... because an enemy sowed seeds of sin and rebellion throughout the human race and we have experienced that sin, shame, and condemnation.
Man was made in God's image for a reason. To reflect God... to be... children of God... so that God, who desires to be all in all... might know us and be known by us. In this... He IS. For without it... He would be all that was. And being all that was... He'd be nothing at all. He is because He has chosen to be... and the moment anyone chooses to "be" anything... they draw distinction. By creating creation and mankind, He drew distinction between Himself and that which isn't Himself. And thereby, that which isn't Him... reveals Him by contrast. It's so radical... you begin to realize that even your worst days are blessings... in that they reveal the good days. It's crazy. lol
Why is it that God desires that we demonstrate our love for Him... by loving others as ourselves? Because we can only truly reveal our love for Him through our love for others. For they are reflections of Him, made in His image. No man can hate his brother and say that they love God. We love God through love of others. So everyone that comes into your life... is an expression of God. And we are called to love as Jesus loved... and reveal God through that love.
God's voice is irrefutable. It can be tested and tried. It helps to compare it to Scripture to ensure that it isn't presenting a radical break from the Bible. However, as I said, the Spirit might challenge time honored "interpretations" of the Scriptures, but not the Scriptures themselves.
Like when Jesus told Sean about tithing?
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty
Timmy, you know you don't believe in God, let alone God speaking to anyone so why even bother with this thread?????? You aren't going to convince anyone that God does not speak to them. I believe God speaks to me, but why try to explain that to you????? You're just a naysayer. With all due respect of course.
Timmy, you know you don't believe in God, let alone God speaking to anyone so why even bother with this thread?????? You aren't going to convince anyone that God does not speak to them. I believe God speaks to me, but why try to explain that to you????? You're just a naysayer. With all due respect of course.
I am wondering why you don't just pass over what Timmy said.
What offended you so badly? Did God also speak to you about tithing?