Originally Posted by Steve Epley
I believe they are in violation of the Word of God. In truth to marry a divorced person(in the church) is to commit adultery.
It's nice to know what you believe. However, how do you practice it? To me that's even more important. Because a belief is just an opinion. Some people have hard opinions, some have soft opinions. How they practice those opinions or allow those opinions to guide them in their ministry to others is far more concrete.
Do you advocate that those who are divorced and remarried get a divorce?
Now, if you answer no... I'm wondering why you'd not advocate that people repent and obey God in accordance to what you stated you believed.
If you answer yes, I'll at least know that you're consistent in your application and practice.
In all honesty... I've yet to find a hardliner on the topic that was consistent with regards to application and practice of their said beliefs.
And lastly... why would you fellowship brethren who you believe are adulterers???