Originally Posted by CC1
For many years I thought the only main things that seperated me from my religious roots in the UPC was the stance on legalism and what constitutes salvation.
It was within the last ten years that the promotion of the ministries of Ruth Reider - Harvey and Lee Stoneking made me realize the gulf is a lot bigger than that.
I have been astounded that any group that wants to be taken seriously would not only allow these ministries to survive but help them flourish by promoting them within the fellowship.
Forget the doctrinal debate of Oneness vs trinitarianism for a minute. This detour into mysticism and fables takes away the credability you need to even get to that debate.
These type ministries have always been in old time Pentecost but were the fringe elements and not mainstream until the last 10 years or so.
Now the UPC embraces the same type thing we have always made fun of in the Charismatic world. Next I guess we will have some major UPC ministry claiming gold dust is falling in their meetings.
Though you and I remain miles apart in many respects, I have to say I wholeheartedly agree with this excellent post. I was discussing this very thing with one of my brothers this morning, and I called it, "small-man mentality."
Apostolic Pentecostals in general, not UPCI exclusively, have this mentality, and have for years.
It's the thinking that in order or to make myself seem more important or relevant I must add to the written Word, or say that some celebrity or whoever is "looking our way."
Either we believe what we say we believe or we don't. What we teach is biblical truth or it isn't, and it's just that simple.
I don't need to hear an off the wall claim of a Jewish revival or that the wives of a terrorist were all baptized to cement my belief in Jesus Name baptism.
Furthermore, I don't need to see a pic or video of someone waving their hair over an offering basket to keep me from cutting my hair.
I don't want to hear about how someone laid their hair on someone and they were healed. If I want sensationalism, I can watch a movie. My purpose in listening to a man or woman preach or teach behind a pulpit is in hearing the WORD of God...not some fabricated tale to incite fear in women.
If someone was healed, it is the prayer of the righteous and the stripes that He bore. All glory goes to the Healer...not the hair.
I don't need to hear about the protection that comes from my uncut hair. My sister in law has never cut her hair, but my brother still dropped to the floor at the age of 46 years old. Another sister in law, uncut hair notwithstanding, lost her 20 year old son to diabetes.
Life happens, CC...it rains on the cut haired folks and the uncut folks. God is sovereign, and to take the credit for protection is to once again dismiss His divine hand and will in our lives.
For whatever it is worth, I am very seriously considering writing to Bro. Bernard, and if I do, I want to use your post as a jumping off point. He may not listen or regard what I have to say, but it's worth a try.
There needs to be a purging in the hearts of the people, but it cannot come until there is a purging in the hearts of it's leaders.
How they can stand back and do nothing is beyond my little thinking. Is it because of the reputation and stature of the one spouting this nonsense?
Are they afraid of ruffling feathers in the bonnet of the 'prophet' or his Amen crowd?
And for the record, I
absolutely believe in miracles and great outpourings, but in relating the incidents, let us remember to give glory to Whom it is due, and keep the story true.
I'm finished with my rant...may heaven help us all!