Originally Posted by Stephen Hoover
I am surprised people aren't "going postal" in gas stations!
It's not their faults. Blame governments for not allowing drilling in Anwar. Blame local governments for not allowing new refineries (like in California). Blame the oil companies for NOT building new refineries and for conveniently shutting down for repairs at the same time and at the same time a refinery blows up. also blame them for putting most of the refineries in Hurricane Alley.
Blame George Bush or the Iranians. Blame congressmen who get paid by big oil lobbyists. Blame Americans who drive SUVs still and never do anything other than complaining yet still go on their long vacations and drive drive drive their gas guzzlers.
Blame Bush and the rest of our government and the Federal reserve for devaluing our dollar and 70 trillion in dept.
Blame the Chinese for buying more oil.