One thing the church needs to do is recognize that sin is not an excuse to hurt people.
By hurt I mean hurt. Because that happens.
The reason gay people are looking for some kind of Human Rights declairation is because gay people are getting hurt by religious folk because the religious folk feel justified attacking the sinners.
That aint a WWJD moment.
homosexual sex is a sin. living an unrepentant life will send you to hell. We preach that. We teach that but we certainly should not be in the business of helping people in sin get to hell.
One thing the church needs to do is recognize that sin is not an excuse to hurt people.
By hurt I mean hurt. Because that happens.
The reason gay people are looking for some kind of Human Rights declairation is because gay people are getting hurt by religious folk because the religious folk feel justified attacking the sinners.
That aint a WWJD moment.
homosexual sex is a sin. living an unrepentant life will send you to hell. We preach that. We teach that but we certainly should not be in the business of helping people in sin get to hell.
Are you kidding? What Christians are hurting gay people? The gays need protection from US?
Why not crusade for the Millions of TRULY PERSECUTED CHRISTIANS in the world?
Sitting in prisons for the name of Jesus? The many that are being killed by Islam and Communism?
But WE have to recognize not to hurt gays?
What Church teaches to go attack gays? What "Christian" on this forum has ever physically attacked a gay person?
Even now gays are dreaming up more ways to force their agenda down the throats of Christian children and all young people and MAKE THEM not only accept it but to like it or else.
Last edited by Michael The Disciple; 12-12-2011 at 05:42 PM.
Are you kidding? What Christians are hurting gay people? The gays need protection from US?
But WE have to recognize not to hurt gays?
What Church teaches to go attack gays? What "Christian" on this forum has ever physically attacked a gay person?
Even now gays are dreaming up more ways to force their agenda down the throats of Christian children and all young people and MAKE THEM not only accept it but to like it or else.
Who is kidding who here? Have you ever heard of Westboro Baptist church? Their slogan is 'God hates fags'. Not seen the billboards taken out to show that homosexuality is 'evil'? If we are supposed to be the good guys here let's act like it.
I will post some comments here that I posted on another forum recently:
Many types of deviant sexual behavior are now the 'norm'. In example, fornication is so very widely accepted that most secular and even some 'Christian' counseling groups now RECOMMEND that people live together before marriage as the preferred course of a successful relationship. They even claim to have new 'studies' to back their position.
Because it would just be too scary to look at such rampant sins as gluttony, lying and coveting, let us take that all too common but still-recognized-as-sin-by-some-sin- fornication and use it as an example here. Take a look at people living together without marriage and you see people who have apparently won the battle the homosexuals are fighting! People who are getting equal treatment under the law with marrieds with regards to health benefits, tax breaks, etc. Try counting the number of times that behavior is glorified in TV and movies, etc. and you will find it absolutely dwarfs the homosexual issue. The only reason that fornicators are not campaigning in the streets for the right to do what they do is because no one, not even One God Apostolics seem to care. Could part of this be because we have become so very focused on the homosexual issue that it has completely eclipsed other sins in our minds?
Is homosexuality now so much a 'special sin' that we must make hating it part or our identity? Or are we to reach for every kind of sinner in love knowing that there is none beyond God's reach, not even the fornicator or the homosexual? I do not want any kind of hate speech to be a part of who I am. I work with homosexual people. Educated, medical doctors and nurses and I believe that the Lord can change them. I will not say or do anything to even hint at support for the idea that 'God made them this way'. I do not want them to believe that I feel their sin dirtier than anyone elses.
I wonder if in some ways the 'church' has, with it's special focus on homosexuality, added negative force and power to the fight and validation to the idea that even Christians believe that the homosexual can not be changed by God.
Who is kidding who here? Have you ever heard of Westboro Baptist church? Their slogan is 'God hates fags'. Not seen the billboards taken out to show that homosexuality is 'evil'? If we are supposed to be the good guys here let's act like it.
I will post some comments here that I posted on another forum recently:
Many types of deviant sexual behavior are now the 'norm'. In example, fornication is so very widely accepted that most secular and even some 'Christian' counseling groups now RECOMMEND that people live together before marriage as the preferred course of a successful relationship. They even claim to have new 'studies' to back their position.
Because it would just be too scary to look at such rampant sins as gluttony, lying and coveting, let us take that all too common but still-recognized-as-sin-by-some-sin- fornication and use it as an example here. Take a look at people living together without marriage and you see people who have apparently won the battle the homosexuals are fighting! People who are getting equal treatment under the law with marrieds with regards to health benefits, tax breaks, etc. Try counting the number of times that behavior is glorified in TV and movies, etc. and you will find it absolutely dwarfs the homosexual issue. The only reason that fornicators are not campaigning in the streets for the right to do what they do is because no one, not even One God Apostolics seem to care. Could part of this be because we have become so very focused on the homosexual issue that it has completely eclipsed other sins in our minds?
Is homosexuality now so much a 'special sin' that we must make hating it part or our identity? Or are we to reach for every kind of sinner in love knowing that there is none beyond God's reach, not even the fornicator or the homosexual? I do not want any kind of hate speech to be a part of who I am. I work with homosexual people. Educated, medical doctors and nurses and I believe that the Lord can change them. I will not say or do anything to even hint at support for the idea that 'God made them this way'. I do not want them to believe that I feel their sin dirtier than anyone elses.
I wonder if in some ways the 'church' has, with it's special focus on homosexuality, added negative force and power to the fight and validation to the idea that even Christians believe that the homosexual can not be changed by God.
You better watch out before I blitzkrieg your thread cause I'm the Thread Nazi now!
Well now, T2W that is a darn right good post. I belong to another forum where there is an openly admitted homosexual. All he wants is to be treated like other people, he says.
He is coming home from California for Christmas. My husband and I plan to have coffee with him when he comes this way. Others on the forums expressed interest in joining us.
However, I think that Michael the Disciple raises a good awareness here about prison for Christians. There are a lot of laws being passed and no doubt they will be selectively enforced like many of our current laws.
I don't think Westboro Baptist Church is a bonafide church. They are more like a poster child of hate groups. The government will most likely bring the hatchet down on them, (like it should be done) because real churches do not hate like this group does.
Freedom of speech does not mean one can protest and hate on others like this group does.
Has any specific homosexual been physically attacked by the Westboro Baptist Church? Has a Christian killed or imprisoned a homosexual here in America? If so why are they not on the headlines? We know if these things had happened it would be on the news 24/7. The "gay" persecution charge is ludicrous.
The United Nations is setting the stage for imprisonment of CHRISTIANS not gays.
We do know that CHRISTIANS are imprisoned and killed in various nations worldwide.
CHRISTIANS are the most persecuted group of people on Earth.
Last edited by Michael The Disciple; 12-13-2011 at 02:37 AM.
Has any specific homosexual been physically attacked by the Westboro Baptist Church? Has a Christian killed or imprisoned a homosexual here in America? If so why are they not on the headlines? We know if these things had happened it would be on the news 24/7. The "gay" persecution charge is ludicrous.
The United Nations is setting the stage for imprisonment of CHRISTIANS not gays.
We do know that CHRISTIANS are imprisoned and killed in various nations worldwide.
CHRISTIANS are the most persecuted group of people on Earth.
Bro. Michael,
You ask for irrefutable proof that a 'Christian' has hurt or imprisoned a gay. I can not give that to you simply because I do not believe that anyone who hurts or kills someone out of hate can also wear the name of my Savior. I have a much more narrow definition of 'Christian' than does the world. Now were the question 'Show me homosexuals who have been persecuted and killed by the religious' and I'd google up a mess of them for you, complete with professional articles and pictures. You also limit your questions about persecution of the homosexuals to the U.S. and then even to a particular church where you want proof that the attacks have become physical as if the horrible hate speech is not enough...further narrowing...
Then you broaden your criteria when defining Christian persecution to include 'positioning for persecution' and world-wide as the stage.... We are now into the stinkin'-thinkin' of comparing apples to oranges.
Lets just keep it in the more narrow context for a minute. A look at American history will show that Christians have for centuries been a status group in the U.S. Most powerful or influential jobs, including elected public office, have and still do require a Christian religious affiliation. It has only been in the past few decades that some of the pro-Christian bias in this country has been reeled in and Christians are hoppin' mad about it too! However I see it is a backlash to Christians going too far in trying to force their particular world view on everyone. The American people, now being more educated and diverse, are able to see that there is no fairness in the way things have been done.
In example; when Christians say they want prayer back in schools they are not taking about bowing on a mat facing Mecca or adopting a Yoga pose or burning incense to some Pagan goddess. In fact most Christians would have a canip if their children were exposed to any of that in school but think nothing about forcing children of other religions or no religion at all to sit through prayer to God. I still remember the one or two kids every year in my elementary class that had to sit in the hallway during our Christmas party because they were of a different religion and their parents would not let them participate in what was a religious holiday at school. (oh if they had only known the truth, LOL!)
The Bible says that we will be persecuted for His sake. The Bible does not say we will persecute others. We should accept that, quit trying to fight, and embrace the signs that this present world is coming to a close. Our minds and hearts should be focused on being ready for His return and not always trying to figure out how we can avoid having those things happen that will usher in the world to come.
I am not for politicizing Christianity at all. Separation of church and state are our only hope for not having to soon go underground and even that might not be enough. At some point we may just have to accept the truth of scripture and lean on the Lord completely to see us through, whatever comes.
Peace to you,
Last edited by Titus2woman; 12-13-2011 at 05:23 AM.
Reason: To fix quote
Well, Christians do not do the violence. The ones who do the violence will say they are Christian.
I do agree with T2W about school prayer. If we demand prayer in school for our children, then other religions will demand equal time for their prayers. We should be having prayer at home in the morning before school, which would probably be more effective than a "canned" prayer at school.
...In example; when Christians say they want prayer back in schools they are not taking about bowing on a mat facing Mecca or adopting a Yoga pose or burning incense to some Pagan goddess. In fact most Christians would have a canip if their children were exposed to any of that in school but think nothing about forcing children of other religions or no religion at all to sit through prayer to God. ...
We have 5 children who all graduated through the public school system. They are now in their 40's and early 50's and have children of their own. I never did want a public (government) school teacher to teach my child or force my child to pray. In my opinion, that would be government forcing a particular religious belief system on my child. I don't want Christian sharia law imposed on me and others.