Originally Posted by Scott Hutchinson
I don't see how a woman can a be a husband of one wife which is a qualification for a bishop.
Thanks for chiming in, Scott!
That word "bishop" is really another word that means "overseer" which can definitely include elder, pastor, etc.
Titus 3 and 1 Timothy, here's a list of requirements:
Here is a list I made that combines the two lists in Timothy and Titus:
* Be above reproach (Titus & Timothy)
* Husband of one wife (Titus & Timothy)
* Self-Controlled (Titus & Timothy)
* Hospitable (Titus & Timothy)
* Not a drunkard (Titus & Timothy)
* Not violent (Titus)
* Not violent but gentle (Timothy)
* Sober-minded (Timothy)
* Upright (Titus)
* Respectable (Timothy)
* Able to teach (Timothy)
* Not quarrelsome (Timothy)
* Not greedy for gain (Titus)
* Not a lover of money (Timothy)
* His children are believers and not open to the charge of debauchery or insubordination (Titus)
* Manages his own household well, with all dignity keeping his children submissive (Timothy)
* Not a recent convert (Timothy)
* Must be well thought of by outsiders (Timothy)
* Not arrogant (Titus)
* Not quick tempered (Titus)
* A lover of good (Titus)
* Holy (Titus)
* Disciplined (Titus)
* Holds firm to the trustworthy word (Titus)