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Old 02-04-2011, 01:08 PM
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Re: Leave A Message For The Not So Departed Cons

Originally Posted by rgcraig View Post
Thought this was for messages.
If a thread ever stayed true to its original purpose, I think the world would come to an end.
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Old 02-04-2011, 01:09 PM
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Re: Leave A Message For The Not So Departed Cons

Originally Posted by rgcraig View Post
You'll be my age and I'm not old.
Girl, by the time by boys have kids I will be way older than you are now! Seriously!
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Old 02-04-2011, 01:11 PM
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Re: Leave A Message For The Not So Departed Cons

Originally Posted by Digging4Truth View Post
It was... but others commented so I replied.

And... they'll probably "get the message"

I guess the message might be... "Heh....come on back! You guys were the ones that took your toys and went home, the ones that left."

Kinda like the old man and woman in their pickup truck. He was driving...she was sitting next to her door. They passed a young couple who were sitting right up against each other in their pickup. The older woman looked over at her man and said, "Why don't we ever do that anymore." He replied, "I haven't moved!"

Come on back... we haven't moved!

Been Thinkin
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Old 02-04-2011, 01:27 PM
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Re: Leave A Message For The Not So Departed Cons

Originally Posted by Digging4Truth View Post
Well it is clear that those who supposedly left have only gone to another forum where they hash everything we talk about over here.

As I have stated before... debate... or depart.

I guess the only 2 options to their doing so would be that we all come around to their way of thinking (which includes living without questioning) or AFF finally dies and goes away.

If one is going to leave... leave. Don't spend your days lurking in here and then raking us over the coals in your little corners of the internet.

If you're going to talk about us... come on over here and let's discuss.

But... discussion isn't what is desired. Nor is open debate or respectful explanation or study. What we are seeing is not even a clash of conservative versus liberal. It's a clash between an old world where people people accepted explanations just because of who said it and a new day where we need to see it in the consistent application of the Word of God.

I was rebuked openly service after service for believing in post trib years ago. That used to be enough to make people line up. I requested open study between me and the pastor and was told I would get it but it was only followed by continual open rebuke over the pulpit.

That don't cut it anymore.
I understand what you are saying, Digging. But, I see people, from this forum, dragging conversations from other sources (the other forum, FB, blogs, etc.) as well. Neither party appears to be without some blame. That is why I believe I can ask, "Who will put down the gun first?"

All I can do is make sure it isn't me doing the talking and dragging over, that I discuss, when I am here or anywhere, and not mock another's journey or beliefs.

To the point of wanting questions answered, this is my personal view. While I don't agree with everything surrounding me, (and I didn't in the Catholic or Baptist church either) I KNOW that I am in the will of God for my life. Where I am and where I serve is where God wants me to be. And if He does not open another door, I am willing to follow His lead. So, I try to follow Ephesians 4:3, "Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace."

I believe that God brings people into our lives when He wants to bring changes to us. It is the same thing as Him speaking to me through His Word. I get direction in that way and sometimes through people. But, like my daughter was telling me the other day, "I am sure not going to listen to people who make fun of who I am and what I believe." No sounder words could be spoken.

I believe that many Conservatives, who have left this forum, know that they are also in the will of God for their lives, they won't change anything unless they feel directed from God Himself, and that it becomes unproductive for them to hash out differences, answering the same questions day after day.

One reason they do "lurk" is that there are some topics that are interesting, but not necessary to log in and participate. Our time is our own. We, as individuals, decide where we want to spend that time.
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Old 02-04-2011, 01:29 PM
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Re: Leave A Message For The Not So Departed Cons

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
I understand what you are saying, Digging. But, I see people, from this forum, dragging conversations from other sources (the other forum, FB, blogs, etc.) as well. Neither party appears to be without some blame. That is why I believe I can ask, "Who will put down the gun first?"

All I can do is make sure it isn't me doing the talking and dragging over, that I discuss, when I am here or anywhere, and not mock another's journey or beliefs.

To the point of wanting questions answered, this is my personal view. While I don't agree with everything surrounding me, (and I didn't in the Catholic or Baptist church either) I KNOW that I am in the will of God for my life. Where I am and where I serve is where God wants me to be. And if He does not open another door, I am willing to follow His lead. So, I try to follow Ephesians 4:3, "Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace."

I believe that God brings people into our lives when He wants to bring changes to us. It is the same thing as Him speaking to me through His Word. I get direction in that way and sometimes through people. But, like my daughter was telling me the other day, "I am sure not going to listen to people who make fun of who I am and what I believe." No sounder words could be spoken.

I believe that many Conservatives, who have left this forum, know that they are also in the will of God for their lives, they won't change anything unless they feel directed from God Himself, and that it becomes unproductive for them to hash out differences, answering the same questions day after day.

One reason they do "lurk" is that there are some topics that are interesting, but not necessary to log in and participate. Our time is our own. We, as individuals, decide where we want to spend that time.
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Old 02-04-2011, 01:32 PM
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Re: Leave A Message For The Not So Departed Cons

Originally Posted by Digging4Truth View Post
LOL! So, my impression is that you are saying, "You didn't give me what I wanted so, all righty then." We can't find solutions that way. I am not going to personally change anything, but my underwear (), so why haggle about it?

Do you feel that you are in the will of God for your life right now?
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Old 02-04-2011, 01:38 PM
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Re: Leave A Message For The Not So Departed Cons

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
But, like my daughter was telling me the other day, "I am sure not going to listen to people who make fun of who I am and what I believe." No sounder words could be spoken.
I do not consider by self a UC or con by any means.

But I think this says a mouth full- even though I dont agree, it makes me cringe when I reading mocking posts, well actually the ones that go beyond mocking to just plain cruel.

Now of course there are jerks on both sides, just when we try to mock or cut down another jerk, we in essence also denigrate those that are not jerks and make fun of those things that people we care about believe.

Gets old...

Last edited by Elizabeth; 02-04-2011 at 02:51 PM.
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Old 02-04-2011, 01:40 PM
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Re: Leave A Message For The Not So Departed Cons

Originally Posted by rgcraig View Post
You'll be my age and I'm not old.
I should not have said sooo soo old. I just feel like I will not be a young nana like you! I feel like it will happen in my 60's for some reason. I know that is not old...but.
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Old 02-04-2011, 01:42 PM
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Re: Leave A Message For The Not So Departed Cons

Originally Posted by Elizabeth View Post
I do not consider by self a UC or con by any means.

But I think this says a mouth full- even though I dont agree, it makes me cringe when I reading mocking posts, well actually the ones that go beyond mocking to just plain cruel.

Now of course their are jerks on both sides, just when we try to mock or cut down another jerk, we in essence also denigrate those that are not jerks and make fun of those things that people we care about believe.

Gets old...
Yes, it does get old and the cringing moments are what closes your ears to listen - from both sides of the spectrum. Each side has moments that, absolutely, make you cringe. I've cringed when comments have been dragged over here from the other forum. Both sides can be equally ugly and despicable. I wonder how many people will be lost because of our Hatfield and McCoy mentality? Very scary thought to stand before God on that one.
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Old 02-04-2011, 01:45 PM
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Re: Leave A Message For The Not So Departed Cons

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
I understand what you are saying, Digging. But, I see people, from this forum, dragging conversations from other sources (the other forum, FB, blogs, etc.) as well. Neither party appears to be without some blame. That is why I believe I can ask, "Who will put down the gun first?"
Why does that have to always be viewed as drawing a gun, PO?

Using things people are saying in real-time, not with a desire to personally attack them, but to discuss views, and even critique them shouldn't be such a big deal, should it?
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