Originally Posted by riverslivnwtr
the sin of all mankind put Jesus on the cross.
Not necessaraly true, God lay down his life for us.
1Jn 3:16 Hereby perceive we the love of God, because he laid down his life for us: and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren.
The Jews served as the high priests, and offered Jesus , the lamb without spot or blemish ;
Yes and Jesus warned them what was going to come to those that did this deed. Matt. 23-24 should they not repent. Not one of those that accepted the new birth were lost when Jerusalem fell only those that had not repented.
..then followed the abomination.. the Jews left the city their job was done..of course they didn't see it that way..
Actualy it was not the Jews that left their city only the children of Abraham (the Christians) The Jews those of the natural seed that did not accept the gospel and repent while given a full generation to were destroyed with thier city.
They returned to draw all nations there ...it's really going to be a happy ending..
Who returned the children of Satan those seed that Christ called hipocrites in his day? Paul tells us that the seed of Abraham are those that accept the gospel of Christ. Those that are Jews by birth are just that any more, just another nationality. And if they do not receive the gospel because we have the frame of mind that God will come and save them in the end, God will hold thier blood on our hands for not reaching out to them. they must come to God the same way as any one else.
I ask this question, in what way would the Jewish nation show God that they have returned to him? By building a new Temple? and offering up blood sacrifices?
God will never dwell in temples made by hands again, further why would he accept a blood sacrifice that could not, even when it was required, pay the price for sin. Especicaly in the face of the price he paid for our sin when he laid down his life for our sin? Is not that spitting in the face of God?