Originally Posted by Truthseeker
I had a hunch you were be sarcastic but wasn't sure.
I don't deal/allow with games dealing with magic, super powers, role playing, etc....
When I say role playing I'm refering to the ones that deal with witchcraft, mediums, gloeifying the darkside etc.... Kinda self explainatory IMO.
Many Role playing games aren't about being dark.
In fact most RPGs today are video not the pen and paper type games and because the imagination are removed, I don't consider them true RPGs anymore. Really they are strategy games.
What makes them "RPGs" though is you make a character, like P&Ps, that character can get stronger as the game goes on, and you interact with other players.
Non-RPGs though can be the same. I played a FPS that was basically axis vs allies and you chose classes like medic or engineer. As the game progressed and you did more things your character could grow as well, but nothing like an RPG and not permanent.
Some places insist on characters playing "in character"...that is if you were in a certain game or server the rules state you had to act like you were a real denizen of that land, the way you talked and all.
Consider NWN's game. I still play it online. You can find a ton of servers with different rules. On one particular server I visit, they don't encourage "in character" and really it's just a game like any other where you try to work with your buddies to come out successful. You all apply your different class skills to stay alive and work together to beat a certain quest.
Most of the players aren't sitting behind their screens thinking they are witches casting spells and wishing they had that kind of power. Really they are just manipulating pixels on a screen.,
On than vein, many games have magic users, however since it's a fantasy game they aren't "black witches" following satan anymore than a Jedi knight is. It's all just fantasy.
However if it were a real role playing game, you might be required to choose a Deity, especially if you were a Paladin (Holy Knights), Cleric or Druid. Druids in the game aren't anything like what we think of as druids either.
Most characters and classes are benign. Many choose to be rangers, like Aragorn in LOTR.
Some choose "thieves", which really for game play are not little rogues breaking into houses and stealing, but are stealth masters in battle. No magic powers.
Most people I play with are in it purely for the strategy and game play. It's a lot different than P&P play of my younger days.
Real Dungeons and Dragons was quite different. You used your imagination and play acted that character rather than manipulate a bunch of pixels. The Dungeon Master was sort of the ultimate god running the show. The game was dark or otherwise often based on how the DM wanted to direct the game.
But in most of these kinds of games it's usually good vs evil with the player characters being on the good side