Originally Posted by Jeanie
God sent or self sent? Do we know the difference? Or what is the difference? Something I was thinking about today. When is it okay to pursue a Godly calling and when do you know when to wait for God to open the doors?
Do you think it makes a difference in someone's ministry? Could it influence effectiveness and purpose?
Sis. Jeanie,
This is a difficult question to answer. I think that the Bible tells us that a
man's gifts make room for themselves... But we aren't talking about gifts but 'calling'. Sometimes I think we need to step out on faith and do what we can and then more doors will open as we get out there and 'do'.
Someone mentioned 'promotion'...and I don't think ministry is necessarily promotion. It isn't about man's opinion or accolades but about fulfilling God's calling. I know that it doesn't matter where I am, what church I am in, what retail store, what restaurant eating...the fact I counsel just happens. People sit down and start pouring out their heart to you and you just listen, encourage, and say a word and the person is helped.
As far as public speaking type of things...even our evangelists promote themselves every time they open thier mouths. The thing I have done at times was offer my services to speak and have had success in getting opportunities to do so.
I think there is nothing wrong with friends and family promoting you as you tell them your burden and what you feel your calling to be. That calling is between you and God alone. It doesn't matter what people think. If you are sure then it will come out in all you say and do.
The only thing that can happen, and has happened to me a time or two...like Joseph who bragged about his dreams to his brothers...he put himself in the position to be resented, people to be envious, or jealous...but the funny thing is...all the jealousy and resentment of his brothers landed him right where he was supposed to be to minister to their needs as God had originally planned.
If you feel a calling...go with it.
Faith without works is dead... If God is in a thing...it can't be stopped, except by your fear and doubt.
Blessings, Sis. Rhoni