Originally Posted by CC1
Apparently justice is a thing of the past in my state of Tennessee.
Most of you probably read the thread or threads covering the Mary Winkler trial here. It was the case of the Church of Christ pastor's wife who killed her husband as he slept with a shotgun blast.
The force of the blast blew him out of the bed on the floor from which he looked up to his wife and said one word as he lay dying "Why?"
The latest news now is not only is Mary Winkler going to walk away with just time already served (a little less than a year) but NOW HER ATTORNEYS ARE FILING TO HAVE THE CONVICTION EXPUNGED FROM HER RECORD!!!!!!
So not only will this woman get off scot free with murder it won't even be on her record if the judge approves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mat 19:10 The disciples said to him, "If such is the case of a man with his wife, it is better not to marry."