Originally Posted by tstew
I was being TIC about the sabotage. I would certainly hope that people haven't gotten that crazy about their views. I do think that the timing is interesting though, and I do think that if this spill wreaks the havoc that it seems may be possible, it will have an impact on the drilling debate.
I am curious about how new the platform is. One of the best arguments that I've heard from the proponents of drilling is that most spills and environmental issues occur during shipping and not from the platforms anyway.
For the record, I think it is irresponsible for us to not explore our own resources since we're so dependent on oil. I just think that this may stregnthen the argument against it.
Deepwater Horizon drilling rig was built in 2001 in South Korea by Hyundai Industries. They are the world's largest producer of the largest oil platforms as well as heavy ships and sea port cranes, etc.
The cause of the "blow out" that's dumping the oil into the gulf was the result of the platform's failure and collapse in the fire. There is a back up system that was supposed to seal the well but that failed as well for unknown reasons. All of the answers right now appear to be under about a mile of very murky sea water.
As far us continuing to
not drill in the "restricted" basins around the coast of Florida - those same basins are under development by the Chinese right now. Assuming that they use at least similar safety measures that we would (and they would - wouldn't they?) then Florida is already facing the same risks as if we were pumping oil out there ourselves.