With respects to the ministry....isn't that just flat out trying to increase faith? I actually saw the part you quoted. He said that in scripture water is a type of the HG and the HG is a healer. I do agree that saying the amount of money one gives can control the amount of healing they can receive is weird.
Here's the problem...I live in an area where it doesn't rain for 6 months. Now, I watch maybe 45 minutes of TBN per year and just happened to see that. My son, who was maybe 12 at the time, said, "Dad, so does that mean that from May to November God doesn't answer any of our prayers?" It doesn't take a Dallas Theological Seminary grad to figure this stuff out. A 12-year-old can nail it immediately.
But here's the bigger problem. I know, very well, the devastation cancer can cause. And my heart breaks for all the innocent victims that are doing everything they can do to be healed and in their desperation, hear this stuff, write a check, and wrongly believe they can purchase a miracle.
For me, there's nothing worse in God's work than a wolf that targets the sick, elderly, and the poor. I have very strong feelings about this stuff.
About 1 hour ago he Tweeted that he had Kelly in his office the other day and asked him to sing 'I Believe I Can Fly' with a 250 voice choir. Kelly agreed. What do you ya'll think about this??
Will Bugs Bunny, The Roadrunner and Michael Jordan all be there too?
If I was a Pastor I would not use R Kelly to sing,or Steve Munsey as a guest speaker,and I'll leave it at that.
I am in agreement with NotOf Works on the prosperity thing.
People who are always looking for fault,can find it easily all they have to do,is look into their mirror.
There they can find plenty of fault.
Here's the problem...I live in an area where it doesn't rain for 6 months. Now, I watch maybe 45 minutes of TBN per year and just happened to see that. My son, who was maybe 12 at the time, said, "Dad, so does that mean that from May to November God doesn't answer any of our prayers?" It doesn't take a Dallas Theological Seminary grad to figure this stuff out. A 12-year-old can nail it immediately.
But here's the bigger problem. I know, very well, the devastation cancer can cause. And my heart breaks for all the innocent victims that are doing everything they can do to be healed and in their desperation, hear this stuff, write a check, and wrongly believe they can purchase a miracle.
For me, there's nothing worse in God's work than a wolf that targets the sick, elderly, and the poor. I have very strong feelings about this stuff.
If there is a hell.....
I better just leave it at that.
Like I said I saw the sermon in question here. I believe that if he were trying to make a comparison between physical rain and healing then he is goofy. I actually believe he was just saying on his way there it was raining and he saw the miracles. Who knows. Everyone has an opinion of him one way or another. There is not a preacher out there that doesn't say some goofy things when preaching...some things that say are false. Take the good and leave the bad that is what I say.
"If we don't learn to live together we're gonna die alone"
Jack Shephard.