Originally Posted by pelathais
I do believe that throughout recorded human history there has always been a trend toward consolidating realms followed by trends to break up the consolidations.
Look at the history of ancient Egypt - one long record of unification continually interrupted by periods of disunity and local control.
Look at the history of Europe - same thing. And now with global transportation and communications the the whole system can be applied globally.
The Rothschilds are not a real factor in the global economy and even David Rockefeller is a marginal player. The "big international banks" all nearly went bankrupt in the past year and are now partially or even largely controlled by a diverse number of governments who have their own competing interests.
It's chaos. Grand and glorious chaos. That is what protects our freedoms on the local level.
And take another look at the Bible's statements concerning the Antichrist. "He causes all, both small and great..." in the whole world to join his economic plan by having an open scabrous pus oozing sore******* on their right hand or smack dab in the middle of their forehead?
Yet he can't seem to get all the world to go along with it. Consider the "King of the North" (Babylon in the OT) and the "King of the East" (Persia) constantly threatening him. If he can't get Iraq and Iran to heel, then he probably isn't a real global player.
No offense bro, but either you haven't done any serious in-depth research or you listen to the controlled neocon nwo media puppets like Limbaugh, ect.
They planned way ahead of time to orchestrate 3 world wars to reach their one world government goal, the first 2 went basically as they planned, the 3rd they said they would provoke between the Islamic and western world (and they planned this back in the 1800's), it is all pretty much a global puppet show and the average citizens are unwitting pawns.
The Rothschilds, ect. keep a low profile and use various fronts to work thru, they realized a very long time ago that money = control, and the central banks they have started in most major countries have given them control over money as well as politics.
Here are some things that should help y'all get a better understanding:
(below are excerpts from an article written by an apostolic minister)
Is the Devil in the New World Order?
Most people are not aware of the Luciferic connection.
Rooted in ancient beliefs tracing back as far as Nimrod at the Tower of Babel....
I have traced back hundreds of years to identify the major spirits of the past two thousand years, and attempt to show how they have brought us to our present dilemma. If you will be patient, these explanations will astonish you.
In the United Nations, the Lucis Trust (originally the Luciferian Trust), founded by Luciferian Alice Bailey, has secured a permanent chapel for religious observance within the UN walls.
CLICK HERE to read the entire article.
JFK speech on secret societies + transcript/subtitles
(4 minutes 30 seconds)
Presidents and control of the Money Supply
How the Federal Reserve runs its debt scam on the American people
(only 2 minutes long - but VERY informative !)
The Complete Idiot's Guide to the New World Order
The Creature From Jekyll Island - A Second Look at the Federal Reserve - 2008 Edition (Paperback)
by G. Edward Griffin (Author)
Publisher: American Media (2008)
ASIN: B00181HBR0
Here is a VERY interesting mp3 audio lecture by the above author exposing the Federal Reserve and even how they were so secretive and deceptive in getting it started:
The Creature from Jekyll Island (zipped file, "right click" and choose "save target as" to download)
The Creature from Jekyll Island (MP3 file, click to listen online or "right click" and choose "save target as" to download)
Pawns in the Game (Paperback)
by William Guy Carr (Author)
Publisher: Noontide Press; First Noontide Press edition (March 1, 2007)
ISBN-10: 0939482657
ISBN-13: 978-0939482658
Enroute to Global Occupation (1992)
by Gary H. Kah
ISBN-10: 0910311978
ISBN-13: 978-0910311977
New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies (1990)
by William T. Still
ISBN-10: 0910311641
ISBN-13: 978-0910311649