Originally Posted by RandyWayne
I just disturbed the whole library with my laughter.
Truthfully, I've met four non-Apostolic women who were interested in me, two of them I thought were attractive. However, I did not pursue them because they were not Apostolic.
I was told quite bluntly last Wednesday night by this beautiful Apostolic woman that I would "NEVER" have the opportunity of taking her out to dinner on a date. She actually emphasized "never", repeated "never" and did so in front of our shared friends.
Later she apologized and I told her I forgive her, but it still stings.
I feel so weird at church, like I am so different-- in a bad way. I think it's probably me or maybe even satan trying to discourage me. In a month or so, I should be helping out with the Jail Ministry and I'm excited for the chance to be used by God in this vein. I'm gonna stay focussed on the chance to be used by God.
There was another Apostolic woman, but she let her Dad do her dirty work and had him come tell me that though he respects the fact that I was in the service, she'd rather marry a guy who already has a degree.
There's an Apostolic woman at my church who would let me take her out to dinner, if I was actually attracted to her-- I don't like women noticeably taller than me.
Oh well.
I'm gonna keep striving to live for God and let His power work in my life. He knows the difference between what I want and what I need.