Originally Posted by Esther
The thing he is ignoring is the government is going to put such strict restrictions on the companies so that they can not stay in business then they will say they are going to have to step in and take it over, kind of like the auto industry.
It isn't only a question of staying in business, but in a lot of cases continueing to employ people.
I work on the cutting edge of motion and machine control. There aren't all that many menial type jobs where a person can't be replaced by technology. Tech that doesn't need a paycheck, works 24/7 and doesn't require healthcare premiums, paychecks, sick days or paid holidays.
I shop at a store, stop and shop.
I walk in the door, scan my store card and pick up a hand scanner, and several grocery bags. I go through the store, scanning my items and placing them in the bags.
When I am done I go to an automated check out, scan my card again and it totals my order, I pay with my cc and go my way not having had to interact with a single soul.
They have a cashier there for problems/ 1 cashier for 6 automated checkout lines. They still have standard cashier driven checkouts, but they don't have to. They could run the whole frontend of the store with 2 people. That is a lot of healthcare premiums.
The gov't steps in and mandates companies to provide healthcare and those companies are just going to do away with people to stay viable, that means more untrained or untrainable people on welfare getting free healthcare as well. Simple logic dictates that it will drive the cost of healthcare and insurance premiums upo for everyone else, not to mention taxes.