I'm going to agree that we should watch what we say. That's just a good, Christian practice. Also, we should be careful what we say in front of our children. (Even teenagers.) Children don't always have the maturity to sort through what is a joke and what is serious or even only half serious, and can be incited to zeal we don't intend.
I still think you should change the name of the thread.
I don't think I can change it, can I? But I named it what I did to get people's attention.....I confess. I knew it would make ndavid come after me, but I like entertaining him and keeping him busy!
Really though, the idea is to say this....If it's wrong to make the blatant threats, what about "loose talk" that includes jokes? I don't think we would joke about rape, incest, sexual abuse, or molestation. But we joke about a politician dying? I think we're getting too close to Steven Anderson when we do that.
this is rhetoric that right wingers have in their heart that spew venom against our nation's leader
I'll add my right winger voice to John A.'s. I really, really, really don't like the President's policies and I am highly suspicious of many of his friends. But like I said in another thread, the pulpit is the place for the Gospel of Jesus Christ and we'll argue out our political differences somewhere else.
And I do mean "argue." I don't like these policies one bit.
But the church is a sacred place - part of my "right wing nuttiness" perhaps. To enter into profane and secular discussions in a holy place denigrades the holiness of that place.
Let's lambast the Dems all we can - but let us not profane the eternal things with such silly and temporal squabbles.
I'll add my right winger voice to John A.'s. I really, really, really don't like the President's policies and I am highly suspicious of many of his friends. But like I said in another thread, the pulpit is the place for the Gospel of Jesus Christ and we'll argue out our political differences somewhere else.
And I do mean "argue." I don't like these policies one bit.
But the church is a sacred place - part of my "right wing nuttiness" perhaps. To enter into profane and secular discussions in a holy place denigrades the holiness of that place.
Let's lambast the Dems all we can - but let us not profane the eternal things with such silly and temporal squabbles.
I agree 100%. I don't care to even hear about politics from the pulpit. I want to be reminded of the Word that makes me a better person when I'm sitting in a pew. Jesus telling me to love my enemies--that gives me something to aspire to. My pastor telling me he hates someone, and acting like it's alright? I think I would get up and leave and take my children's tender ears with me.
This not only says something about the Baptist pastor, but it also says a LOT about the people who attend his church. That should be a major concern for those invested in the security of the President.
A politically slanted tangent...I hope the media doggedly follows this through to its logical conclusion, because it can be turned on its head against Obama later--he sat in the church of a vocal zealot for many, many years. A little Nathan vs. David "Thou art the man" game.
"God, send me anywhere, only go with me. Lay any burden on me, only sustain me. And sever any tie in my heart except the tie that binds my heart to Yours."
--David Livingstone
"To see no being, not God’s or any, but you also go thither,
To see no possession but you may possess it—enjoying all without labor or purchase—
abstracting the feast, yet not abstracting one particle of it;…."
--Walt Whitman, Leaves of Grass, Song of the Open Road
I'll add my right winger voice to John A.'s. I really, really, really don't like the President's policies and I am highly suspicious of many of his friends. But like I said in another thread, the pulpit is the place for the Gospel of Jesus Christ and we'll argue out our political differences somewhere else.
And I do mean "argue." I don't like these policies one bit.
But the church is a sacred place - part of my "right wing nuttiness" perhaps. To enter into profane and secular discussions in a holy place denigrades the holiness of that place.
Let's lambast the Dems all we can - but let us not profane the eternal things with such silly and temporal squabbles.
Yes indeed. I know one Apostolic preacher who ran a couple of families off because they voted for Bill Clinton, called them sinners from the pulpit.
Firm believer of separation of Church and State, The church id the place of healing and salvation, not a place to use as a political platform.
If anyone wants some entertainment for the afternoon, just type "Steven Anderson" into Youtube. Make sure you watch his "Pisseth against the wall" excerpt. The guy is amazing. I'd LOVE to go to his church once.
Politics DOES have a place in the church. However, it is not partisan politics that I am referring to. I am referring to what is right and what is wrong. The current spending policies are WRONG. The current don't ask don't tell policies are WRONG. The current anti-christian policies are WRONG! It is not about Republican or Democrat parties. Unfortunately, they are getting too close to being the same thing. Abortion is NOT a political issue, it is a moral issue. These things MUST be mentioned from the pulpit it is THE place for right and wrong to be delineated! The problem arises when we attach partisan politics to it. Gambling is wrong not because it is a sin, but because of what it does to families when governments use it as a method to pry $$$ from the fingers of whose who can least afford it. THAT, IMO, is immoral and unconscionable.
I have no problem with Nancy Pelosi jokes, Obama jokes, Bush jokes and even ME jokes! But I am not going to hate anyone or hope someone dies. I didn't shed a tear when Teddy Kennedy passed and neither did I rejoice. I am glad his liberal influence is gone. We are to hate the evil and love the good.
I still think the Nancy Pelosi joke is hilarious and it still brings a chuckle to me when I think about it which is not often. However, I think this pastor has gone WAY over the line and IMO, is bordering on criminal speech. If not criminal, it is certainly certifiably STOOPID!!!
"Those who go after the "Sauls" among us often slay the Davids among us." Gene Edwards
Politics DOES have a place in the church. However, it is not partisan politics that I am referring to. I am referring to what is right and what is wrong. The current spending policies are WRONG. The current don't ask don't tell policies are WRONG. The current anti-christian policies are WRONG! It is not about Republican or Democrat parties. Unfortunately, they are getting too close to being the same thing. Abortion is NOT a political issue, it is a moral issue. These things MUST be mentioned from the pulpit it is THE place for right and wrong to be delineated! The problem arises when we attach partisan politics to it. Gambling is wrong not because it is a sin, but because of what it does to families when governments use it as a method to pry $$$ from the fingers of whose who can least afford it. THAT, IMO, is immoral and unconscionable.
I have no problem with Nancy Pelosi jokes, Obama jokes, Bush jokes and even ME jokes! But I am not going to hate anyone or hope someone dies. I didn't shed a tear when Teddy Kennedy passed and neither did I rejoice. I am glad his liberal influence is gone. We are to hate the evil and love the good.
I still think the Nancy Pelosi joke is hilarious and it still brings a chuckle to me when I think about it which is not often. However, I think this pastor has gone WAY over the line and IMO, is bordering on criminal speech. If not criminal, it is certainly certifiably STOOPID!!!
Right or wrong would be morality issues, not spending issues. "Hate evil, love good" so Ted Kennedy was evil because he was politically a liberal? Amazing!
I am suspect of this close relationship with the church and the state. Nothing has ever been the same since Constantine. We have merged our citizenships, instead of keeping them distinct: Firstly, a citizen of the Kingdom of Heaven. Secondly, a citizen of this world -- in particular a citizen of America. Our patriotism and flag have become idols of worship shaded in colors of proud nationalism.
I'm sure my comments won't be popular. After all, the Christian church has drank the patriotic-colored Kool-Aid. We really believe that America is God's instrument for goodness. We've lost the idea of a trans-national, trans-cultural and transcendent Gospel that has nothing to do with earthly kingdoms.
Be a citizen. Vote. Have a political opinion. In the final analysis, I don't care what your opinion is. If you think abortion should be legal (government's role in it), or illegal. I believe it should be illegal. Neither of those positions are moral positions. They are legal ones. Neither condone the morality of an abortion, they define it according to one's philosophy of government. Hopefully, Christians would take advantage of their democratic voice and keep out ugly atrocities like abortion. But to divide people over political ideas concerning taxation, role of government and other civil matters, is beneath the child of God. We are called to be above that.
Travel the world. Meet brothers and sisters of all nations. Don't be afraid to wave the flag, but the encroachment of patriotism and nationalism in the church is a concern to me.
Politics DOES have a place in the church. However, it is not partisan politics that I am referring to. I am referring to what is right and what is wrong. The current spending policies are WRONG. The current don't ask don't tell policies are WRONG. The current anti-christian policies are WRONG! It is not about Republican or Democrat parties. Unfortunately, they are getting too close to being the same thing. Abortion is NOT a political issue, it is a moral issue. These things MUST be mentioned from the pulpit it is THE place for right and wrong to be delineated! The problem arises when we attach partisan politics to it. Gambling is wrong not because it is a sin, but because of what it does to families when governments use it as a method to pry $$$ from the fingers of whose who can least afford it. THAT, IMO, is immoral and unconscionable.
I have no problem with Nancy Pelosi jokes, Obama jokes, Bush jokes and even ME jokes! But I am not going to hate anyone or hope someone dies. I didn't shed a tear when Teddy Kennedy passed and neither did I rejoice. I am glad his liberal influence is gone. We are to hate the evil and love the good.
I still think the Nancy Pelosi joke is hilarious and it still brings a chuckle to me when I think about it which is not often. However, I think this pastor has gone WAY over the line and IMO, is bordering on criminal speech. If not criminal, it is certainly certifiably STOOPID!!!
I think it's both a waste of time and completely unscriptural to talk politics in the church. Who cares of the government is overspending? From my personal standpoint, I care. From my church standpoint, I don't give a hoot. The church has never prospered so greatly throughout history as when it was opposed the most by government. If we really, really want "revival" like we say we do, the greatest favor the U.S. governement could do for us is make Christianity illegal.
But we probably don't want revival that badly, do we?
I wanted to make a comment about someone saying the "church" side of him doesn't give a hoot, but the personal side of him cares what government does and having Multiple Personality Disorder but since Renda is getting her dandruff up I decided not to......
__________________ Let it be understood that Apostolic Friends Forum is an Apostolic Forum.
Apostolic is defined on AFF as:
There is One God. This one God reveals Himself distinctly as Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
The Son is God himself in a human form or "God manifested in the flesh" (1Tim 3:16)
Every sinner must repent of their sins.
That Jesus name baptism is the only biblical mode of water baptism.
That the Holy Ghost is for today and is received by faith with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues.
The saint will go on to strive to live a holy life, pleasing to God.