I'm appalled by what I'm reading. Wow. I even saw one say, "Good riddance." Unbelievable.
__________________ Who dares accuse us whom God has chosen for his own? Will God? No! HE IS THE ONE who has given us right standing with himself. Who then will condemn us? Will Christ Jesus? No, for HE IS THE ONE who died for us and was raised to life for us and is sitting at the place of highest honor next to God, pleading for us. (Romans 8:33-34)
"The greatest enemy to the movement of Jesus Christ is Christianity". –Erwin McManus
__________________ For it is written, "As I live, says the Lord every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall give praise to God. (Romans 14:11- NASB)
I remember the past.
The closest I got to Kennedy was seeing his house at night near Miami from the Intercoastal waterway. They had their nightly party and alcohol and drugs. I recall a rape event that was there and in the news.
I dont morn his passing at all. My only prayer for the Kennedy clan is that they repent for the MANY sins and find Christ.
Teddy is now in the hands of his God and I for one would not want to be in Gods hands with Ted's record.
I wont be crass and make jokes. But in all honesty this man was a great mover in the senate for America's LOSS in Vietnam and he revivied that role when we joined the battle in Iraq. As a general rule Ted Kennedy belived that defeat and surrender was the path to victory in war. Thank God he was not in the senate in 1940.
Ted Kennedy played a primary role in creating the healtcare system that has currently failed us. in the 1970's he worked tirelessly to change healthcare and how it works. He succeeded and we now live with the mess.
Ted Kennedy did great harm to America as a politician. We all know what kind of man he was. in so many respects his name is a byword and a bloody joke.
The truely aweful part of all this is that some think he was a great man. That saddens me.
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
What is Dr. Ezekial Emanuel's position on the late Ted Kennedy's treatments?
As Noemie Emery states in the Washington Examiner about Sen. Kennedy:
"According to the Politico, some of his drugs may cost $50,000 for one treatment, while the Obama plan relies on trimming back the expense and the scope of the end-of-life treatments given the elderly when they become very ill."
My more-than-rhetorical question for Dr. Emanuel is this: Do you consider these expensive treatments given to the late Sen. Kennedy a waste of the medical resources? Ted Kennedy's Senatorial medical insurance was funded by the federal government. These days few private institutions do not benefit indirectly or directly from the federal governments expenditures on medical education, Medicare or other programs.
So I ask again, we know Dr. Emanuel's general position against using extraordinary and expensive measures to extend the life of senior citizens. Does his position also apply to Sen. Kennedy's situation and is he willing to say that in public?
Senetor Kennedy was a great American patriot! He should be enshrined and beatified! I am appalled at what I am witnessing on nthis forum as insults, retribution and malignity are being hurled forth in the name of freedom of speech.
Hark my fellows do you hear the words of the Spirit...cans't thou not tell from whence many of you have benefitted from the soul of one, Edward Kennedy?
How is it that you can speak thus and thus of one so esteemed by his country men?
My thoughts and prayers go out to the Kennedy family but truly this is not a man to praise. He was despicable from his cheating days in law school, through leaving the scene of an accident he caused that resulted in the death of a young woman, and on through his many other scandals and misbehaviour.
I found it ironic that in the last few days he tried to get Mass. to change the succession law so that when he died the Governor could immediately appoint a successor, rather than a special election being held, to help the Democrats with the healthcare vote. This was the same law he championed five years ago when a Republican was Governor of Mass. and Kennedy wanted to make sure that a Republican Governor could NOT appoint a Senatorial successor. Duplicitous to the very end.
Good post. The politically correct idea is that once someone dies, we forget everything bad they did, and pretend they are to be celebrated, even if they were purely evil.
I don't do that with Hitler or Saddam; I don't know why I would do it with Ted Kennedy. When I teach my kids about Hitler or Saddam, I fill them in on all the evil and horrors those men orchestrated. When I teach them about the Kennedy family, I show them how a pattern of immorality and an overall lack of character leads to great tragedy and loss.
In order for a death to have personal impact, there has to be some sense of loss. I have no sense of loss here, other than the sad idea that yet another evil man has met his maker.
"God, send me anywhere, only go with me. Lay any burden on me, only sustain me. And sever any tie in my heart except the tie that binds my heart to Yours."
--David Livingstone
"To see no being, not God’s or any, but you also go thither,
To see no possession but you may possess it—enjoying all without labor or purchase—
abstracting the feast, yet not abstracting one particle of it;…."
--Walt Whitman, Leaves of Grass, Song of the Open Road
Good post. The politically correct idea is that once someone dies, we forget everything bad they did, and pretend they are to be celebrated, even if they were purely evil.
I don't do that with Hitler or Saddam; I don't know why I would do it with Ted Kennedy. When I teach my kids about Hitler or Saddam, I fill them in on all the evil and horrors those men orchestrated. When I teach them about the Kennedy family, I show them how a pattern of immorality and an overall lack of character leads to great tragedy and loss.
In order for a death to have personal impact, there has to be some sense of loss. I have no sense of loss here, other than the sad idea that yet another evil man has met his maker.
Saddam...Hitler...Kennedy....Yep! I agree with the progression...well said!
I'm appalled by what I'm reading. Wow. I even saw one say, "Good riddance." Unbelievable.
Should I have stated a more politically correct, Rest in Peace? I could have been more crass with the twist on RIP - Rot in Pieces, but I didn't. Instead I bid his departure as good riddance.
I'd rejoice at the news of TK's repentence, baptism in the name of Jesus and being filled with the spirit ... regardless of his past. Sadly, I don't believe that happened. He's in the hands of his maker.
So again, good riddance to a drunken, date-killing, adulterous, liberal senator ... I shant shed a tear. Pity to those whom my lack of tears offends.