People who are always looking for fault,can find it easily all they have to do,is look into their mirror.
There they can find plenty of fault.
Of course our meek and gentle Savior was extremely harsh with one particular group... and they weren't the sinners. Christ really had an issue with them: generation of vipers, dead men's bones, questioned how they would escape hell, told them they were smart concerning the law, yet stupid in things spiritual, empty religion, obsession with tradition of men, devourers of widow's homes, "son of hell", hypocrites, serpents, etc...
In dealing with false doctrine, Paul also made some pretty nasty remarks in his letters.
This stuff is not about our favorite ball team. But rather it concerns the core of who we are, and where we are going. It gets emotional. Do you guys agree? I suppose for sake of AFF, and all of our amiable interaction, kindness is the higher road.
Well, sure it gets emotional. We all feel strongly about some issue and when that issue is challenged or questioned, we, naturally come to its defense. Convos heat up... people interact...sometimes a little too much over the top. And its good that we stand for what we believe. If we didn't, we'd be compromisers like them fence sittin', greasy gracers we call Libs. Kidding...just kidding!.
But if we didn't stand up for what we believe then we'll fall for anything. Sure, stand firm, but that doesn't mean to check kindness at the door. When I enter a "heated convo", you'll notice I use the words "brother" or "sister" alot. This helps me to remember I'm talking to a brother or sister and need to keep things on a Christian level. Which only proves one thing. In the words of my esteemed brother in Texas.....
I'm more Apostolic than all of you.
"Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him...." -Psa. 37:7
Waiting for the Lord is easy... Waiting patiently? Not so much.
Well, sure it gets emotional. We all feel strongly about some issue and when that issue is challenged or questioned, we, naturally come to its defense. Convos heat up... people interact...sometimes a little too much over the top. And its good that we strand for what we believe. If we din't, we'd be compromisers like them fence sittin', greasy gracers we call Libs. Kidding...just kidding!. But if we didn't stand up for what we believe then we'll fall for anything. Sure, stand firm, but that doesn't mean to check kindness at the door. When I enter a "heated convo", you'll notice I use the words "brother" or "sister" alot. This helps me to remember I'm talking to a brother or sister and need to keep things on a Christian level. Which only proves one thing. In the words of my esteemed brother in Texas.....
I'm more Apostolic than all of you.
I know others that say "brothers" and are extremely condescending about it.
This forum is about articulating ideas. It would make sense that kindness should always be part of the dialogue. Other settings, it may be appropriate to rebuke those who peddle false doctrine into your church. But we lean more on Christ's exceptions, that on his rules (commandments to love). Good input OA.
Well, sure it gets emotional. We all feel strongly about some issue and when that issue is challenged or questioned, we, naturally come to its defense. Convos heat up... people interact...sometimes a little too much over the top. And its good that we stand for what we believe. If we didn't, we'd be compromisers like them fence sittin', greasy gracers we call Libs. Kidding...just kidding!.
But if we didn't stand up for what we believe then we'll fall for anything. Sure, stand firm, but that doesn't mean to check kindness at the door. When I enter a "heated convo", you'll notice I use the words "brother" or "sister" alot. This helps me to remember I'm talking to a brother or sister and need to keep things on a Christian level. Which only proves one thing. In the words of my esteemed brother in Texas.....
I'm more Apostolic than all of you.
Oh, that esteemed brother in TX.
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty