Originally Posted by hometown guy
I think Bro. Epley has answered the question very well. Like he said its apples and oranges. How can an org be your elder. For a certain number of years Bro. “so and so” in your elder and then oops his terms up and now Bro. “So And so” is now your elder or God forbid now Sis ‘So and so”
The men that I know did listen to their elders.
I don't think I referred to an "org" as an elder, but instead referred to individuals as elders, within an organization. Since you used Bro. Morton as an example, so will I.
Say Bro. Morton's pastor is UPCI, and lets also "pretend" Bro. Morton submits to Elder Paul Price. If Bro. Morton is advised not to leave UPCI by these two fine men, and yet he does, is that an example of rebelling against your elders and defying God's word?
Can Bro. Morton use the term "God's will" as an excuse for leaving UPCI, after being advised not to leave? If yes, when individuals leave certain "conservative" circles, why can't these individuals claim "God's will" also?
I will await your answer!