We won’t dwell on Reagan’s cut n’ run from Lebanon; instead
let’s talk about Iran. Iran had illegally siezed the American Embassy, kidnapped it’s American employees, and engaged in a very public campaign to humiliate America, terrorizing American hostages before mobs of screaming Iranian militants. Five short years later, it’s 1985 and Iranian terrorists have kidnapped seven American Hostages in Lebanon. Iran is at war with Iraq and needs arms. Iran made a secret request to buy weapons from the United States. Reagan had campaigned on not negotiating with terrorists. What did Reagan do? Reagan sold over 1500 advanced missiles to Iran and negotiated with the Iranian terrorists for the release of the hostages!
Can you imagine what the GOP would say if Obama sold arms to Iran??
Remember my point was that Reagan and Obama have been compared, by more than a few folks-- not necessarilly on positive terms, but nonetheless, compared.
"The choices we make reveal the true nature of our character."
I haven't read that much about her yet, but my first reaction is that she is a very reasonable choice. She certainly doesn't seem to be a Ginsberg, I think she may be more comparable to perhaps David Souter.
I think her nomination shows how politcally shrewd Obama can be. He knows how to play the game and has already put the ball in the court of any Republican opposition by nominating a GHWB appointee. Like him or dislike him, Obama is a gifted politician with sound reasoning skills. Pretty much the polar opposite of GWB.
The first 4 or 5 days will probably tell the tale, but I'd be surprised if her nomination doesn't go relatively smooth.
In essentials, unity. In non-essentials, liberty. In all things, charity. Augustine
Of course, Obama will never admit in word what he's doing in deed. As in his rhetorically brilliant national-security speech on Thursday claiming to have undone Bush's moral travesties, the military commissions flip-flop is accompanied by the usual Obama three-step:
(a) excoriate the Bush policy, (b) ostentatiously unveil cosmetic changes, (c) adopt the Bush policy.
Can ANYONE who watches the video of this woman saying policy is made from the bench (and then try to backtrack when she remembers she's on video) give her any, I mean any credibility. IF SHE WANTS TO MAKE POLICY FROM THE JUDICIARY BRANCH THEN WHY DO WE NEED THE LEGISLATIVE BRANCH? I don't care if she was initially appointed by GHWB. That comment alone shows her disdain for the constitution. If you cannot see that we are in real trouble by her comment there is nothing that will convince you. She reflects the president. Neither care about the constitution.
Can ANYONE who watches the video of this woman saying policy is made from the bench (and then try to backtrack when she remembers she's on video) give her any, I mean any credibility. IF SHE WANTS TO MAKE POLICY FROM THE JUDICIARY BRANCH THEN WHY DO WE NEED THE LEGISLATIVE BRANCH? I don't care if she was initially appointed by GHWB. That comment alone shows her disdain for the constitution. If you cannot see that we are in real trouble by her comment there is nothing that will convince you. She reflects the president. Neither care about the constitution.
Yeah, everything President Obama does is bad, bad, bad!
Go Palin 2012... (typed yawning and with sarcasm).
"The choices we make reveal the true nature of our character."
What about the case regarding Frank Ricci? He scored the highest on the exam for promotion as a firefighter after paying someone to read textbooks onto audiotape because he is dyslexic, making flashcards and putting together a study group.
The results of that? The city canceled the results of the exam because there were no African Americans, in the group, who got top scores. He sued and when the case came to Sotomayor's court - she dismissed the case w/o argument.
That is racial discrimination. She is a believer in identity politics to the extreme!!!
What is her attitude toward race and gender?:
learn to live with it.
what some call reverse discrimination
others call affirmative action
President Obama is a tax-raising, fag-loving, baby-killing, economy-destroying, work-ethic depleting idiot who was only elected because he is Black and anything good that he does is either not really him or simply suspect just because he is Democrat and his middle name is Hussein!
Can ANYONE who watches the video of this woman saying policy is made from the bench (and then try to backtrack when she remembers she's on video) give her any, I mean any credibility. IF SHE WANTS TO MAKE POLICY FROM THE JUDICIARY BRANCH THEN WHY DO WE NEED THE LEGISLATIVE BRANCH? I don't care if she was initially appointed by GHWB. That comment alone shows her disdain for the constitution. If you cannot see that we are in real trouble by her comment there is nothing that will convince you. She reflects the president. Neither care about the constitution.
I think she's just being a realist in that video.
Judges have been legislating from the bench for some time now.
People who are always looking for fault,can find it easily all they have to do,is look into their mirror.
There they can find plenty of fault.