Originally Posted by *AQuietPlace*
Those are AWESOME photos! Beautiful. I love the sneakers and flip-flops with the formal clothes, so quirky!
Gorgeous wedding. And the goose is hilarious.
This was one original and different wedding, the sneakers were Nathan's idea I believe, leather tops very nice shoes. And the flip-flops were both an attempt bridge the formal with the outdoors setting. I think it worked very well, hope to have more pics soon that will show the interior of the tent and the tables. We built a full size tree around the center post of the tent.
The goose added spice to the afternoon and evening, the female laid her eggs Tuesday before the wedding on Saturday. We had never had them nest here before, maybe God has a neat sense of humor. The gander would puff up to look big and once or twice flew inches above head of the photographer, he took the one picture with it just above his head. The guest seem to enjoy the show. LOL