It's a sad sad truism, but they up the price for all you Canadians....
I always noticed that when purchasing patterns or paperbacks, a US price and then the disclaimer, In Canada...and a slighty higher price.
I just want to bring this to everyone's attention for consideration: the term "gyp" is actually a pejorative term based on the fact that gypsy's were considered by many to be cheats or swindlers. Maybe there is a better word to convey your meaning?
Mich, I meant it as a slight to no one or any race.
I just felt I was being gy... er, ripped off!
While I wasn't politically correct nor did I spell it right, I was correct as to the Dictionary term!
b (used with object), verb (used without object)
1. to defraud or rob by some sharp practice; swindle; cheat.
2. a swindle or fraud.
3. Also, gyp⋅per /ˈdʒɪpər/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [jip-er] Show IPA , gypster. a swindler or cheat.
4. Also called gypsy. an owner of racehorses who also acts as trainer and jockey.
Also, gip.
While I wasn't politically correct nor did I spell it right, I was correct as to the Dictionary term!
b (used with object), verb (used without object)
1. to defraud or rob by some sharp practice; swindle; cheat.
2. a swindle or fraud.
3. Also, gyp⋅per /ˈdʒɪpər/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [jip-er] Show IPA , gypster. a swindler or cheat.
4. Also called gypsy. an owner of racehorses who also acts as trainer and jockey.
Also, gip.
When my oldest got his first fast food job, part of the training was to leave out the bill he was making change for, The gypsies would hand 10 dollar bill and after they got change, say they gave a 20. It is impossible to show them the exact bill they gave and have them claim it was a 20.
It is one of the many local extremely common patterns of swindling.
A cashier can get fired if money is missing from their cash drawer.
When my oldest got his first fast food job, part of the training was to leave out the bill he was making change for, The gypsies would hand 10 dollar bill and after they got change, say they gave a 20. It is impossible to show them the exact bill they gave and have them claim it was a 20.
It is one of the many local extremely common patterns of swindling.
A cashier can get fired if money is missing from their cash drawer.
Really? I had no idea! I thought I could just pocket a few $20s and call it a really good day!
It's not just gypsies who do this. There's absolutely no way to predict who is going to. It happens ALL THE TIME though.
You become free from who you have become, by becoming who you were meant to be. ~Mark from another forum I post on
God did it for us. Out of sheer generosity he put us in right standing with himself. A pure gift. He got us out of the mess we're in and restored us to where he always wanted us to be. And he did it by means of Jesus Christ. ~Romans 3:24 from The Message