Many pentecoastals are terrified of standards.
What do you mean by this?
In Exodus god gave Moses the spiritual leader the authority to draw a line . If they crossed a line, they would touch the mountain and die. His Bro aaron and sis Miriam were under his godly authority and leadership.
Today there is even an expression called spiritual Abuse. it paints people that "submit" to authority of a Shepherd as being in bondage and under spiritual abuse.
It is ironic that
Exodus 20 started off by telling the Jews God delivered them from bondage and so authority and lwas are not bondage.
Today the ones in bondage are still living with worldly habits, values and struggle against spiritual leadership.
In another examople, when starting a converstaion with a woman, ask what the word submission means and how submission looks. It is a great converstation starter for discussing their greatest fear.
Everyone on this planet has standards. There are a lot of variations of standards and sources of standards.
Atheists have standards.