Originally Posted by pelathais
That's my biggest quibble - it sounds like folks around your place are really "getting back to their roots" rather than "emerging from old traditional customs..."
The real old timers never preached half the stuff that started getting added in the '50's and 60's - like uncut hair on women, no "pants" on women, no jewelry at all, etc.
When Howard Goss retired as UPC General Superintendent, Sister Morgan (the incoming GS's wife) wore a modest strand of pearls to the reception they had for him at General Conference. Imagine something like that today.
Thank you Pelathias, That is true. We are getting back to the bible, the gospel Paul preached and that gospel only.
Over the last ten years "doctrines" I have found to be in error are ALL our holiness standards. Some think there is scripture to impose no pants, no make up, no jewelry and uncut hair on women, and yes the UC have their scriptures, sorely misintrperted and twisted to support there preconcieved ideas.
Over the last ten years, I have found my formeer three step gospel to be in error.
There is not much left in the UPC articles of faith and book of rules that I find soundly supportd by the word.
I guess this makes me emerging from the UPC, if that is what the UC definition of an emergent church is.
Basically I think they just got a new word to call those of us who quit drinking the kool aid. It used to be charismatic was they called us "backsliders", now it's emergent church doctrine.
Frankly, I could care less what an organization that supports the magic hair dostrine calls me.
You say, No, the UPC does not support this hair-esy. I beg to differ. They sell books at WEC bookstore that teach this doctrine and they have yet to censure anyone for preaching it.
We know that the org can stand up to error. They have come against preterism, they have come against divine flesh and serpent seed doctrine,
BUT headquarters is giving a pass to those who preach magic hair.
WHY ? Because it seems to support there positon of uncut hair on women, a doctrine that HAS NO sound clearly interpreted scripture.
I Cor 11 ????? Clear as muddy water. If it was clear there would not be 10 different ideas on what it says.
But if you can tell stories of how you laid your uncut hair over the offering plate and SHAZAM...your needs were met...well it must mean god does not want women cutting their hair.