Originally Posted by Tim Rutledge
If your asking.. is being baptised in the titles the same as being baptised in the Name.. then the answer in no.
The Name is Jesus.. his titles are many. Repentance coupled with water baptism in Jesus name is the only way the blood cleanses us from sin and redeems are fallen nature.
IMO, I agree that baptism in 3 titles is not what the bible is commanding, but, is it an immediate salvation issue? (As we know, God expects obedience, and if He gave a command to be baptized, we had better follow it. However, I am referring to one being baptized in an "incorrect" format, according to our understanding of scripture.)
We know that one can receive the Holy Ghost prior to baptism, but what if a "new" Christian is truly seeking to follow God's word and thinks that they have fulfilled it by being baptized in the 3 titles, rather than the name of Jesus, after they have received the Holy Ghost? If a person can receive the Holy Ghost before they are baptized, are their sins not forgiven at that moment, or are their sins still present until they are baptized? Have they not fulfilled the command to be baptized to the best of their knowledge, or are they still lost in their sin even though they received the Holy Ghost?
I understand that in time, an honest heart will be guided into truth, but in the meantime, is that honest person's salvation in peril?
Ephesians 4:24 - And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness.
It would seem to me that according to this verse, once one has put on the new man (which I assume involves the infilling of the Holy Ghost) a person, at that very moment, is righteous and has true holiness. With this in mind, would it not be safe to assume that that person's sin is already washed away, prior to being baptized? (or is a person, even after the infilling of the Holy Ghost not yet considered a "new man" until they have been baptized?)