No snow in Branson over night. I think I have an anti-snow zone around me wherever I go. It did decide to do some freezing rain and I took a nasty spill in the hotel parking lot. The worst part was all of the people around to see my graceless fall. I hope the roads are better than the parking lot or it may be a long day.
I was in Phoenix last week. My boss booked us in a hotel with a pool cuz she was expecting it to be warm enough to enjoy it.
Was it ever COLD! What's up with that?!?
We got to enjoy looking at it though!
'Some folk don't understand that the middle "F" in AFF is the most important ingredient!' -noeticknight
No snow in Branson over night. I think I have an anti-snow zone around me wherever I go. It did decide to do some freezing rain and I took a nasty spill in the hotel parking lot. The worst part was all of the people around to see my graceless fall. I hope the roads are better than the parking lot or it may be a long day.
Be sure to go down to the RiverWalk, but stay up right! I really like that area now!
Master of Science in Applied Disgruntled Religious Theorist Wrangling
PhD in Petulant Tantrum Quelling
Dean of the School of Hard Knocks
Be sure to go down to the RiverWalk, but stay up right! I really like that area now!
I think thats on the itinerary today. We've never been to the Landing because it's always so busy, but it's pretty empty right now. We parked right in front of the Outlet Stores last night and felt like we had the place all to ourselves. I usually dread being drug up here, but it's actually enjoyable if the weather will hold out.
In essentials, unity. In non-essentials, liberty. In all things, charity. Augustine
I think thats on the itinerary today. We've never been to the Landing because it's always so busy, but it's pretty empty right now. We parked right in front of the Outlet Stores last night and felt like we had the place all to ourselves. I usually dread being drug up here, but it's actually enjoyable if the weather will hold out.
My SIL lives there - I enjoy visiting there! If you see any Grisham Remax signs -- that's them.
Master of Science in Applied Disgruntled Religious Theorist Wrangling
PhD in Petulant Tantrum Quelling
Dean of the School of Hard Knocks
All of this rain talk reminds me of an old song.
Sorry I couldn't resist.
People who are always looking for fault,can find it easily all they have to do,is look into their mirror.
There they can find plenty of fault.
All right, I am worried.
I just dropped my wife off to work and the main roads are salted & clear as a bell!
The side roads because we had a light dusting of snow on the weekend, are a nightmare!!
Sheets of ice!!!
The forecast for tonight & continuing all day tomorrow is, get this---SNOW!!
Snow on Ice, not a good thing!
They forecast 4-5 CM'S.
Last night and for a couple of nights it has been done to about -10 Celsius or about the teens Fahrenheit!
While I was gone, the drizzle started. A friend of mine was in a small wreck just getting out of the parking lot at work and her bumper was taken off when she slid into traffic. Her mom told me that in the space of 15 miles, they saw 5 wrecks.
I was going to go to the work Christmas party tonight, but I suppose I won't be going now!!
Snow doesn't bother me, and neither does ice, really, but these southern Illinois yahoos that don't know how to drive in it are always out in it!!