As you can see, friends, I voted yes. If you were as holy as I am, and didn't drive a car, you would know that global warming is indeed real and that God is calling you to walk. All these environmental issues are caused by your unholiness.
I personally think there may be something to global warming. But, regardless of whether there is or not....we do need to change our ways. I think we are consuming way too much. Just think, not too many years ago, if a household had one car, they were doing well. Things have changed so fast and furiously that it wouldn't surprise me if it has had an effect on the environment. The way this world is going scares me.
None of the views expressed in the poll are mine. You should have had a catagory for those who do not doubt that the earth is in a warming trend right now but that it is a part of the normal cycle of the earth.
I do think we should conserve fuel, seek more fuel efficient energy, etc, etc but I do not want to do so in the context of a panic over human beings causing global warming. I want to do it because it makes sense.
I second this.
And there may be some people that need to change their energy wasting ways (Al Gore, for example), but I'm way too cheap to waste energy.
It's actually snowing today in a freak weather pattern, after being in the upper 80's last week.
So today, i don't believe in Global Warming.
Ask me in July, and i may feel differently.
That's the thing. Like I was saying earlier......... we had freaky weather here in BC this winter. At least it seemed freaky to many, but the oldtimers spoke up and said that they had winters like this way back decades ago. So there you go.
Weather patterns change all over the world.
__________________ Smiles & Blessings.... ~Felicity Welsh~ (surname courtesy of Jim Yohe)
We haven't been recording weather for long enough to be able to make intelligent assessments about patterns anyway.
Presumptuous is what it is.
lets say it this way, we have been recording weather for long enough to be able to detect the patterns that have developed.
Considering we cannot accurately predict weather out 10 days, proves that we know absolutly nothing about what causes those weather patterns.
Where Global Warming is concerned, all we can say is that the earth has warmed a degree or maybe less over the last 10 decades. We cannot suggest that the warming is anything other than cyclical patterns that have been going on since God said "let there be light"
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!