Originally Posted by Aquila
Rape and murder are crimes against a sovereign citizen of our nation committed by a person with malice and forethought.
With abortion we're talking pregnancy. There isn't a relationship like pregnancy found anywhere in nature. In pregnancy two lives are intertwined in such a way that makes it entirely unique. At some point we have to establish who's rights trump the other's. In this case I believe the best bet is to establish that the mother's right over her body and the seed in her womb supercedes any assumed rights of her unborn. She has the right to keep it....and tragically she has the right not to. It is outside the scope of a just government to step in and seize a pregnant woman's body and force her to give birth against her will. It is outside the scope of a just government to deny the rights of a woman over her own body. For this reason, legal abortion is a necessary evil in a just society.
The best way to combat this is through propogation of the Gospel, prayer, and education. No law will adequately address this issue.
True. And she should keep that right. She should not, however, have or retain the right to
kill her unborn child at her own convenience.
When a woman becomes pregnant, she no longer "owns" her own body, whether she likes it or not.
Aquila, regardless of the political ne'er-do-wells who DO capitalize on this issue to garner votes, your worldview does not come from a biblical perspective. God is the author of life, and once a life is conceived, it is worthy of respect and value on that basis alone, equal to that of any other human, young, old, born or unborn.
I agree that the best way to combat this
presently is through propogation of the Gospel, prayer and
godly education. However, if at some point it can be addressed from a different perspective
as well, then it should be.
Personally, I do not believe that heavy handed tactics, picketing, and other aggressive methods
work, either to change minds or change laws.
However, I do believe we have an obligation to stand for what is right, and whenever possible, even though we are personally powerless to change laws, we should put someone into position who at least has the potential power AND intention.
I can't, in good conscience, vote for a man who
endorses abortion, would consider it for his own daughters (for convenience' sake), and DOES plan to make it an issue in his presidency. For a politician to ignore the matter is one thing; for him (or her) to actively progress the matter in a negative direction is another.
There ARE changes being made, in small ways that have significant effects. Every step of the way
matters. If you believe that nothing is changeable, why vote?
We still have the freedom to choose our leaders in this country, and we should vote as closely in accordance with our own principles as humanly possible.