News flash! Oneness people actually believe in the "Economic Trinity" of God, rather than the "essential trinity" of tritheism. (those who don't are true "Jesus only" which is false) It's just that the word "trinity" has become such a loaded term symbolizing Roman paganism disguised as Christianity, a lot of Apostolics feel an aversion to it. I don't, but I wouldn't name my daughter that because there are a lot prettier names out there.
News flash! Oneness people actually believe in the "Economic Trinity" of God, rather than the "essential trinity" of tritheism. (those who don't are true "Jesus only" which is false) It's just that the word "trinity" has become such a loaded term symbolizing Roman paganism disguised as Christianity, a lot of Apostolics feel an aversion to it. I don't, but I wouldn't name my daughter that because there are a lot prettier names out there.
I'd never concede to believing or calling anything related to the Godhead, trinity. His Name is One.
Tell me whats wrong scripturally, with the term Jesus only.
There is a conspiracy of silence in the land.
I'd never concede to believing or calling anything related to the Godhead, trinity. His Name is One.
Tell me whats wrong scripturally, with the term Jesus only.
Whether or not you concede to it the truth is that all OP's do. Cause they believe Jesus is the Father, Son and the HG. Jesus Only people are people that follow the idea that There is No Father or HG--not in a person form but in a function. Jesus functions as God when He was on earth in flesh but never ceased to be the HG too. Jesus Only is where when Jesus was on earth He was not God in heaven. God at his very nature is Triune at the least. He is the Father, Son, and HG all at the same time. He was God and the burning bush too. Again whether on concedes to it they either believe in or run the risk of being a heretic--Jesus Only.
"If we don't learn to live together we're gonna die alone"
Jack Shephard.
I'd never concede to believing or calling anything related to the Godhead, trinity. His Name is One.
Tell me whats wrong scripturally, with the term Jesus only.
I wouldn't argue over the term "Jesus Only."
Some OP's (Oneness Pentecostals) like the term and some don't.
I think it was Bro. Kenneth Reeves (I'm not sure of the name) in one of his books said that he was not "Jesus Only" but instead was "Lord Jesus Christ" only.
Bro. Andrew Urshan used the terms "triune" and "three-one" to describe God in his writings.
And, one of the OP organizations used the word "trinity" to describe God in their manual. That manual has been scanned and made available to this site but I can't find a copy of it right now.
The PAW used to use the term "Jesus Only" in their logo.
Sam also known as Jim Ellis
Apostolic in doctrine
Pentecostal in experience
Charismatic in practice
Non-denominational in affiliation
Inter-denominational in fellowship
This is just silly to me, that anyone cares that much what someone else names their child. Now if it was lucifer or satan that would be different. And if we hate anyone then we do not have the love of God in our heart.
Mirislav Satan was a really good hockey player. I didnt hate him either.
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
I'd never concede to believing or calling anything related to the Godhead, trinity. His Name is One.
Tell me whats wrong scripturally, with the term Jesus only.
Nothing is wrong with the term, only the actual doctrine of "Jesus only" which prevails among a lot of churches in Appalachia(including snakehandlers), which claims that when Jesus died, God died and the Universe was without God for three days. They usually claim Jesus had to be a really big guy because He was God. There was a member of our Church who actually heard a minister say that at Jesus' Baptism, the voice from Heaven came from Jesus who simply "threw His voice" like a ventriloquist. This type of junk theology usually prevails among the "Apostolic Full Preterist"(like TK Burk who posts here regularly) crowd as well, which is why they believe that since the Body of Christ is the Church, Jesus' physical body that ascended into Heaven must have somehow dissapeared.
__________________ The Truth will never be mainstream. The Truth will never be popular. Orthodox doctrine will always be false doctrine.
I'd never concede to believing or calling anything related to the Godhead, trinity. His Name is One.
Tell me whats wrong scripturally, with the term Jesus only.
You fail to realize that we are the bad guys bro. we pushed the trinitarians out of our fellowship, we labled them a cult and we treat them as second class christians when we arent calling them Heritics.
You should hear Hank Hannigraf talk about how us Oneness People have treated them trinitarians.
why we are down right nasty.
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
Whether or not you concede to it the truth is that all OP's do. Cause they believe Jesus is the Father, Son and the HG. Jesus Only people are people that follow the idea that There is No Father or HG--not in a person form but in a function. Jesus functions as God when He was on earth in flesh but never ceased to be the HG too. Jesus Only is where when Jesus was on earth He was not God in heaven. God at his very nature is Triune at the least. He is the Father, Son, and HG all at the same time. He was God and the burning bush too. Again whether on concedes to it they either believe in or run the risk of being a heretic--Jesus Only.
I beg to differ with you most emphatically! I have been hearing this stuff for years, it mainly comes from a Jimmy Swaggart Pamphlet with the usual heavily inaccurate scholarship.
While there may indeed be people out there operating undere all kinds of labels and terminologies, JESUS ONLY IS and HAS BEEN the Motto of the ORIGINAL ONENESS ORGANIZATION The Pentecostal Assemblies of the World for decades and decades! They have NEVER even approximated any of the description that you have put forward here.
***I*** am "Jesus Only" and I most certainly do NOT ascribe to the description offerred above. Neither does the original group that most all Oneness Organizations INCLUDING the UPC are splits out of.
I am proud to be JESUS ONLY there simply is no other person in the Godhead.
I think its time we "Jesus Only" people be allowed to define what **WE** mean by that term just like **WE** define what we mean by "Holy Roller" or any of the other labels that were put on us intending to defame us that we have taken and redefined to the dismay of our detractors.
I beg to differ with you most emphatically! I have been hearing this stuff for years, it mainly comes from a Jimmy Swaggart Pamphlet with the usual heavily inaccurate scholarship.
While there may indeed be people out there operating undere all kinds of labels and terminologies, JESUS ONLY IS and HAS BEEN the Motto of the ORIGINAL ONENESS ORGANIZATION The Pentecostal Assemblies of the World for decades and decades! They have NEVER even approximated any of the description that you have put forward here.
***I*** am "Jesus Only" and I most certainly do NOT ascribe to the description offerred above. Neither does the original group that most all Oneness Organizations INCLUDING the UPC are splits out of.
I am proud to be JESUS ONLY there simply is no other person in the Godhead.
I think its time we "Jesus Only" people be allowed to define what **WE** mean by that term just like **WE** define what we mean by "Holy Roller" or any of the other labels that were put on us intending to defame us that we have taken and redefined to the dismay of our detractors.
Amen to that, I believe in "Jesus only" as well, but just like "trinity", the term has been hijacked by purveyors of false doctrine. Both terms do accurately apply to God, but both terms are loaded which is why I prefer neither.
__________________ The Truth will never be mainstream. The Truth will never be popular. Orthodox doctrine will always be false doctrine.
You fail to realize that we are the bad guys bro. we pushed the trinitarians out of our fellowship, we labled them a cult and we treat them as second class christians when we arent calling them Heritics.
You should hear Hank Hannigraf talk about how us Oneness People have treated them trinitarians.
why we are down right nasty.
I dont believe you! How could you have neglected to leave out the BEST part?
The centuries of bloody persecution that Oneness believers have tormented the trinitarians with? Dontchouknownuttin'?