Originally Posted by StMark
I have a friend I grew up with in the church- haven't seen or
talked to this person in 8 years. They married and moved to
Detriot, MI and we lost contact. This person is here for a family reunion
so we met after church and talked til 4AM.
Anyhow, i was shocked to hear when they told me they are
now a "hebrew Apostolic"! i was like WHAAT. They don't use
the word "Jewish" (for some reason), they observe the hebrew
feast & holidays, adhere to the dietary laws, observe the passover
and the sabbath ( church is on Saturday!) Yet still believe in
Acts 238!!!
Has anyone heard of this??? They claim it is growing rapidly???
what do you think?
This denomination (or denominations) have been around for a very long time. Big on keeping the Seventh Day sabbath and the feast and dietary Laws of the old testement however they are oneness apostolic in that they do Baptize in Jesus Name, believe Jesus is God and that you must have the Holy Ghost speaking in tongues to get to heaven (and of corse worship on Saturday the true Lords day / sabbath).
Now, there are some Hebrew Pentecostals (as they are known through the united states) are very big on women preachers (i.e. elders, bishops and apostles). Some of them keep standards of no make up and jewelry while others do not. Almost 100% of them teach a women must cover their heads in worship with a prayer veil on and most of these churches are of the African American decent.
I use to attempt to go to one when I was transitioning between Saturday (seventh day adventist) and sunday (apostolic). I found it too confusing because they say that Jesus is God but some of them still kill the lamb once a year as a memorial not to be forgotten.
To each his own............ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh and they SHOUT SHOUT SHOUT SHOUT SHOUT allllllllll day and night until the sabbath is over (meaning dancing and running the aisles and hooping and hollering with almost no word singing songs about "we dont eat no swine, commandment keepers are we") however NEVER EVER associate them with Seventh Day Adventist because they will tell you in a heart beat their denomination is Apostolic Holiness and in no one associated with the Seventh Day Adventist Church. They have some pretty big churches throughout the United States but no one usually cares to go to them because of the weird concotion of doctrine they have put together with diet laws, feast days and the sabbath (and oh yeah, dont forget the whole shouting shouting shouting).
Do a youtube search on them if you have not already and it wil show you their services.