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Old 06-21-2008, 10:39 PM
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Re: Just spent two hours talking with a PAW minist

Originally Posted by Bobbys View Post
The PAW and the UPC are in biblical error. When ever you hear a church say its ok to wear what ever you want and /or you can wear JEWLERY, its in error. 1Timothy 2:9-10 and 1Peter 3:3-4 is right in the bible, and not going anywhere. So, the PAW and the UPC are both going to hell, if they don't obey the bible

So I guess Joseph is going to hell and Daniel too?
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Old 06-21-2008, 10:58 PM
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Re: Just spent two hours talking with a PAW minist

Originally Posted by bkstokes View Post
This was done during BOTT and it was strictly on leadership principles. There was never any doctrinal issues discussed.

However, they have never preached to his congregation.
I understand - I really do, but I am saying there is no difference.

I think there is no problem having Trinitarians speak/preach. Of course as you stated, I would not expect any controversial "doctrine" being preached.
"It is inhumane, in my opinion, to force people who have a genuine medical need for coffee to wait in line behind people who apparently view it as some kind of recreational activity." Dave Barry 2005

I am a firm believer in the Old Paths

Articles on such subjects as "The New Birth," will be accepted, whether they teach that the new birth takes place before baptism in water and Spirit, or that the new birth consists of baptism of water and Spirit. - THE PENTECOSTAL HERALD Dec. 1945

"It is doubtful if any Trinitarian Pentecostals have ever professed to believe in three gods, and Oneness Pentecostals should not claim that they do." - Daniel Segraves
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Old 06-21-2008, 11:42 PM
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Re: Just spent two hours talking with a PAW minist

Originally Posted by ChTatum View Post
MANY years ago, my UPC member pastor os our independent church, had the Roy Knight Singers come and sing for our congregation.

Their major song was "Wrapped Up, Tied Up, Tangled All Up in Jesus". Great song, Oneness people shouting all over the place despite the second verse.

"After I got salvation, I wanted a little bit more, so I got down on my knees, and began to seek the Lord. I knew the Holy Spirit, and I prayed for Him to come, before I knew it, I found myself speaking in unknown tongues."

Did the person get salvation before they spoke in tongues??????
Well, if you are a one-stepper Oneness Apostolic Pentecostal you have no problem with those words.
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Old 06-21-2008, 11:46 PM
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Re: Just spent two hours talking with a PAW minist

Originally Posted by Bobbys View Post
The PAW and the UPC are in biblical error. When ever you hear a church say its ok to wear what ever you want and /or you can wear JEWLERY, its in error. 1Timothy 2:9-10 and 1Peter 3:3-4 is right in the bible, and not going anywhere. So, the PAW and the UPC are both going to hell, if they don't obey the bible
So a necklace is wrong if it is made of gold, silver, pewter, plastic, coral,
diamonds, pearls, brass or whatever material except cloth, but if it is made of cloth and called a "necktie" then it is OK?
Sam also known as Jim Ellis

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Old 06-22-2008, 05:23 AM

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Re: Just spent two hours talking with a PAW minist

I'm writing to respond to other comments I have just seen. One mentioned Joseph and Daniel must be going to hell then. Joseph and Daniel were not in the church, and was NOT under the New Testament law. Its two different dispensations, and two different laws. Somethings from the old testament continued through to the new testament, but the new testament CLEARLY CONDEMNS JEWLERY 1Timothy 2:9-10 and 1Peter 3:3-4, so why be a hypocrite about it and try to condone wearing jewlery? Now for the next question. A neck tie is NOT jewlery, its CLOTHING. Why be a hypocrite? You know the difference. Lets see you go to a jewlery store and say can I have a neck tie of cloth, and see if they don't look at you like your crazy. Just do what the bible say and what I say, and pull OFF the jewlery.
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Old 06-22-2008, 07:13 AM
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Re: Just spent two hours talking with a PAW minist

Originally Posted by ManOfWord View Post
Yeah, God forbid that a oneness pastor would have one o' them "heathern" devilish, unsaved, tongue talkin' trinnies in their pulpit. God would condemn the man, I tell you! Banish him from the promised land! Take away his inheritance! Destroy his church! And a host of other things that he would deserve from such a dastardly deed!!!
Well MoW, your off-base and over-the-top response doesn't surprise me at all.
The term "doctrinal compromise" seems to mean little to you. Very sad.

Anyway... Carry on, bro.
Daniel 12:3 And those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament; and those who turn many to righteousness, like the stars for ever.

I'm T France, and I approved this message.
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Old 06-22-2008, 08:36 AM
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Re: Just spent two hours talking with a PAW minist

Originally Posted by Bobbys View Post
I'm writing to respond to other comments I have just seen. One mentioned Joseph and Daniel must be going to hell then. Joseph and Daniel were not in the church, and was NOT under the New Testament law. Its two different dispensations, and two different laws. Somethings from the old testament continued through to the new testament, but the new testament CLEARLY CONDEMNS JEWLERY 1Timothy 2:9-10 and 1Peter 3:3-4, so why be a hypocrite about it and try to condone wearing jewlery? Now for the next question. A neck tie is NOT jewlery, its CLOTHING. Why be a hypocrite? You know the difference. Lets see you go to a jewlery store and say can I have a neck tie of cloth, and see if they don't look at you like your crazy. Just do what the bible say and what I say, and pull OFF the jewlery.
I agree by the way have you ever heard of Bishop S. C. Johnson?
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Old 06-22-2008, 09:06 AM
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Re: Just spent two hours talking with a PAW minist

Originally Posted by Bobbys View Post
I'm writing to respond to other comments I have just seen. One mentioned Joseph and Daniel must be going to hell then. Joseph and Daniel were not in the church, and was NOT under the New Testament law. Its two different dispensations, and two different laws. Somethings from the old testament continued through to the new testament, but the new testament CLEARLY CONDEMNS JEWLERY 1Timothy 2:9-10 and 1Peter 3:3-4, so why be a hypocrite about it and try to condone wearing jewlery? Now for the next question. A neck tie is NOT jewlery, its CLOTHING. Why be a hypocrite? You know the difference. Lets see you go to a jewlery store and say can I have a neck tie of cloth, and see if they don't look at you like your crazy. Just do what the bible say and what I say, and pull OFF the jewlery.
No it's not jewelry ..you are corrrect it is apparrel ...which the same verse commands not to be worn.

Bobby boy....you are so tangled up in idealogy that it's unlikely you could ever understand theology.

Like the PAW preacher told Carp....."you need delivered from that"
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Old 06-22-2008, 11:49 AM
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Re: Just spent two hours talking with a PAW minist

Originally Posted by Bobbys View Post
The PAW and the UPC are in biblical error. When ever you hear a church say its ok to wear what ever you want and /or you can wear JEWLERY, its in error. 1Timothy 2:9-10 and 1Peter 3:3-4 is right in the bible, and not going anywhere. So, the PAW and the UPC are both going to hell, if they don't obey the bible
Does your pastor wear bow ties and smashed a statue of Mary?
Today pull up the little weeds,
The sinful thoughts subdue,
Or they will take the reins themselves
And someday master you. --Anon.

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Old 06-22-2008, 12:22 PM
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Re: Just spent two hours talking with a PAW minist

Originally Posted by Carpenter View Post
From Wikpedia... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Penteco...s_of_the_World

Really it has everything you wanted to know.

The Pentecostal Assemblies of The World, Inc. (PAW) is the oldest Oneness Pentecostal organization in existence, and was founded in 1906, formally organized in 1912 as adherents of trinitarian beliefs, and in 1916 re-organized as a Oneness Pentecostal organization...

As I was speaking with this gentlemen, meeting some very fine folks going in and out of the church, I realized they do not embrace, nor do they believe they are biblical, the social and cultural standards the UPC embraces.

This man told me the PAW believes the doctrine, but that all the trappings of legalism and mandated holiness was pretty much sin.

They believe the exact same thing as the UPC does in terms of baptism, speaking in tongues and salvation, and I told him this, most UPC and/or ultraconservative apostolic individual would say your women are not saved.

He really liked that one. He said y'all need to be delivered from that.

So do you partake in elitist UPC bashing propaganda every day?

It sickens me how one sided people's views are. I have been to one church that rudely judgmental and UPC, it will remain unnamed.
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