Re: AFF AllStar Staff Draft: If you had a mega-chu
Pastor - rrford. Wise, good with people, conservative enough to respect the older people, progressive enough to appeal to the younger generation.
Co-Pastor - mfblume - great teacher, offers a lot of stability & dependability, could definitely watch over everything in the pastor's absence.
Youth Pastors - PhilJones & Pastor Poster
Outreach Directors - Old Paths and Daniel Alicea
Missions - Sister Alvear - no contest.
Music Director - Pianoman! I'd have to bring BHILL on board as the bass player and resident keep-the-MD-in-line person. StMark for the organist and choir director....Dora as one of the praise singers....I'd want to be part of that praise team, too....
Worship Leader - Not sure...I don't know who sings. I think the worship leader needs to be able to carry a tune, but charisma is equally important for this job.
Drama Director - Rico. With the help of TheMrs, rgcraig, Ronzo & Chewy.
Small Groups Ministry (Cell Groups) - Keith4Him
Young Couples Group - Pressing On. Teaching-wise...I think she has a healthy perspective on what it takes to make marriage and family work, and wouldn't be a fuddy-duddy about sex. (obviously...LOL) enough to plan some great fellowship, serious enough to plan great teaching opportunities.
Sunday School Director - ForeverBlessed
Bus Ministry - Bro-Larry - Obviously cares about kids, and would work well with FB
Events Coordinator - Timlan -
Secretary - stmatthew.
Evangelist[s] - Coonskinner, Atlanta Bishop, Bill Price, BrotherEastman, SteveEpley (what a great group, right? LOL!)
Prison/Jail Ministry - Evang. Benincasa & Scott Hutchinson (Good Cop/Bad Cop, and not in that order)
College & Career - Newman & Stephen Hoover
Teen - Carpenter & Raven
PreTeen - Ferd & Jeanie
Intermediates/Primary - Amazing Grace and Lady Coonskinner
Kindergarten - Chax (where did she go?) & Darcy
Preschool - Falla39 & TheMrs.
Nursery - Margies3 & Esther
"God, send me anywhere, only go with me. Lay any burden on me, only sustain me. And sever any tie in my heart except the tie that binds my heart to Yours."
--David Livingstone
"To see no being, not God’s or any, but you also go thither,
To see no possession but you may possess it—enjoying all without labor or purchase—
abstracting the feast, yet not abstracting one particle of it;…."
--Walt Whitman, Leaves of Grass, Song of the Open Road