People can actually entertain speaking and thinking so much about satan that they are taken over by his spirit. Because of this focus, they believe they have seen the devil when it is a dream or a vision. Yes, the woman may have thought she was dragged out of bed because the evil spirit was so strong within her. I do not believe this would photograph in reality even though the woman felt she was being dragged out of bed.
I do not believe in seeing demons or ghosts with ones actual eyes. It is all in the spirit world.... good or bad.
I guess when she was getting up off the FLOOR that was her imagination?
I under folks having difference of opinion about things they personally have never experience, but to say someone doesn't know if they were in the floor or the bed, it a stretch.
Happy moments, PRAISE GOD.
Difficult moments, SEEK GOD.
Quiet moments, WORSHIP GOD.
Painful moments, TRUST GOD.
Every moment, THANK GOD.
Below are the 27 questions I ask and had answered by some powerful and wise men and woman of God.
Would you like to try and answer any or ALL of these?
1. Can a person have the Holy Ghost and be demon possessed at the same time?
2. How can you determine if you are dealing with a person who is demon possessed, demon oppressed or a human spirit?
Oppression is a force acting on you from without, but a person possessed is dealing with a spirit within. Our own personal spirit can be controlled by us, but if you are demon possessed then you cannot control your actions and they are inappropriate and out of order.
3. When you are at the altar with many around and there is a demon possessed person how do you handle the situation?
I would ask those not prayed up to stand back and not touch or lay hands on the person. If there is a minister or a prayer warrior close I would bring them in to pray over the person.
4. Can a Holy Ghost filled person have a generation curse on them?
Yes, but they must be aware of it, ask God to break it and do everything in their power to be aware of triggers and to have a plan to avoid the behavior or circumstance.
5. Can objects be possessed?
I would say not...I would say that the Bible demonstrates when Jesus cast the demons out of legion they went into a herd of swine not a rock or a tree.
6. Can you rebuke a spirit in your mind or only by speaking aloud?
7. Can you fight spirits in your dreams?
Dreams are part of the consious and subconsious and I think you can wrestle with them in your dreams as they try to oppress you.
8. How can you tell if a dream is from God?
If it lines up with scripture then it might possibly be from God. If it is anything contrary to scripture then you ate too much pizza.
9. What is the cause for some Christians to have encounters with spirits attacking them while others don’t?
It has been my experience that a person who is a prayer warrior and more in tune with what is happening in the spirit this person would be a threat to satan and therefore a target of satan's attack to stop them.
10. What authority do you have and how should you pray in regards to working with angels of the Lord?
Whatever you pray to be bound on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatsoever you pray loosed on earth will be loosed in heaven.
I pray that God would send angels to fight the demons/evil spirits that bind individuals, families, churches, and communities.
11. Can you pass a spiritual gift to another?
No. These things are things to petition God for and only come from him.
12. Can one person have all nine gifts and how can you determine what if any gifts you have, and how can you learn to use them properly?
The Bible tells us to pray for these gifts - it is his will that we have them and function in them. The Bible tells us to pray for knowledge and wisdom but with all the getting pray for understanding.
Corinthians tells us how they are to be used properly in the church and even in what order.
It has been my experience that the more you step out in faith and use a gift the more comfortable you become using it.
13. What is the meaning and significance of passing your mantle to another, when this happens does the one passing the mantle lose it or share it?
There was typology in Elijah's passing the mantle to Elisha. Elisha prayed to God for a double portion of what Elijah had and God answered his prayer. It was God who granted him the power to do greater things than Elijah. It was not Elijah.
14. What is the anointing of God?
Anyone who is used by the spirit of God that dwells within is anointed/blessed/empowered.
15. How and when do you move up into another dimension of God?
These things only happen when you are practicing the disciplines; fasting, prayer, meditation, and studying of the word. If you want a closer/higher dimension then you have to put forth the effort to talk to him more, pray and fast for his will, and make yourself available. Listen to God and act on his will and not of your own personal goals and desires for recognition and fame.
16. Should you fast while you are in a spiritual battle?
17. How and when do you do spiritual battle?
When you are prepared you can confront and be offensive rather than defensive in the spirit..storm the gates of hell.
18. Can you fight the prince of your city whenever you want or only if God directs you to?
Prayer changes things...waiting is for those who are afraid and not ready!
19. Is there a danger for a Holy Ghost filled person to go pray with a non Holy Ghost person at their church for revival?
Absolutely not. I have known whole assemblies of those searching to find and all be converted in te house. Prayer is always appropriate.
20. How can you KNOW the voice of God?
When you practice the spiritual disciplines you will know...try it...and journal what you are impressed with as you study, fast, and pray.
21. How powerful is MANS word?
It is powerful. The power of life and death are in the tongue. Why? Because out of the issues of the heart the mouth speaketh.
22. What is the fire of God?
Depends on what you are really asking/what context.
23. What hinders prayers from being answered?
Praying amiss...praying for your will to heap glory to yourself or benefits for yourself and not the kingdom. When you pray for things that are not the will of God.
24. Why is there so much sickness among us and why aren’t we seeing the complete healing of the people of God?
Taking the Lord's supper without having your heart right. Holding grudges, holding resentments, acting on those resentments. Not practicing the disciplines and not living being guided by the spirit of God.
25. What brings revival?
Wanting it more than anything else and committing it to the practice of the spiritual disciplines as well as praise and worshipping God. The Bible tells us that if we..."lift Him up He will draw all men unto himself."
26. Is there a price for being in the ministry and if so would you say the greater the price the greater the ministry?
I will caution you that many times the price we pay in ministry is because of our own bad judgment and focusing on works and not on spiritual things to the neglect of our health, families, and self.
There is a blessing in ministry but also a price.
I think I would reframe that to: To whom much is given, much is required.
27. Can you explain why some prophecies given do not come to pass as prophesied?
They were not from God. True prophecies will not fail.
Rhoni you have use the term "spiritual disciplines" several times. Can you elaborate on what you are meaning here?
Thanks for answering, and yes they can be hard work.
Happy moments, PRAISE GOD.
Difficult moments, SEEK GOD.
Quiet moments, WORSHIP GOD.
Painful moments, TRUST GOD.
Every moment, THANK GOD.
I would say not...I would say that the Bible demonstrates when Jesus cast the demons out of legion they went into a herd of swine not a rock or a tree.
Although you used a good example, how about the example of Paul's apron and hankerchiefs being sent and the people were healed?
Knowing that satan copies everything that God does, do you not think objects can carry spirits as well?
Happy moments, PRAISE GOD.
Difficult moments, SEEK GOD.
Quiet moments, WORSHIP GOD.
Painful moments, TRUST GOD.
Every moment, THANK GOD.
I would say not...I would say that the Bible demonstrates when Jesus cast the demons out of legion they went into a herd of swine not a rock or a tree.
Although you used a good example, how about the example of Paul's apron and hankerchiefs being sent and the people were healed?
Knowing that satan copies everything that God does, do you not think objects can carry spirits as well?
There are no spirits or special anointings in the hankies and was/is just a symbol of the prayers that went up for the person. The prayer, effectual fervent prayers of righteous men/women availeth much
However, the Apostles try and deliver the boy that was throwing himself into the fire and Jesus was the only one able to deliver him, and then He said these kind come out ONLY by prayer and fasting?
WADR Sis E, there are no hard devils. Jesus was referring to the apostles' unbelief. That kind of unbelief only comes out by that person's own prayer and fasting.
The Gospel of Jesus Christ: Jesus bore away my sins, my sickness, and my poverty. That covers it all. Everything else is just legalism.
There are no spirits or special anointings in the hankies and was/is just a symbol of the prayers that went up for the person. The prayer, effectual fervent prayers of righteous men/women availeth much
Blessings, Rhoni
Well as I said these are controverial questions. I also KNOW that objects can have spirits attached to them. Not necessiarly posses them.
Many Missionaries will confirm this as well.
Thanks for your response Rhoni.
Happy moments, PRAISE GOD.
Difficult moments, SEEK GOD.
Quiet moments, WORSHIP GOD.
Painful moments, TRUST GOD.
Every moment, THANK GOD.
I guess when she was getting up off the FLOOR that was her imagination?
I under folks having difference of opinion about things they personally have never experience, but to say someone doesn't know if they were in the floor or the bed, it a stretch.
Esther... I do believe she believes it happened. Have heard of other similar experiences.
WADR Sis E, there are no hard devils. Jesus was referring to the apostles' unbelief. That kind of unbelief only comes out by that person's own prayer and fasting.
I agree with you, but in your comment you said no Apostle ever tried to cast out a devil without success. Just reminding you there was one case.
Happy moments, PRAISE GOD.
Difficult moments, SEEK GOD.
Quiet moments, WORSHIP GOD.
Painful moments, TRUST GOD.
Every moment, THANK GOD.