Originally Posted by Rhoni
Bro. Epley,
Your post is right on target but the only thing I would like to add is that it is more prevalent than you think. If I heard it once I heard it at least a hundred times during the course of my going to college [1992-1996] across the pulpits where I was going to church or visiting...You don't have to have a degree to...and it is difficult for the educated to get to heaven because they can't understand the simplicity of the message...All these scriptures taken out of context and misapplied.
I totally agree with your honest observation that those who croak the loudest about higher education are those lacking in it and also fear it.
Blessings, Rhoni
Same here Rhoni: Heard it that you just couldn't make it as a Christian and go to college.
I dropped out of college because of that mentality.
This thinking annd preaching came from weak minded men. Paranoid men.
Men who never really grasped who God is.
Ignorant men who propagate the continuance of ignorance in our ranks.
Thank God there is less of this mentality today, but we will suffer it's affects for years to come.