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Old 05-13-2008, 04:48 PM
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Re: Were you the church brat?hehe

Originally Posted by AmazingGrace View Post
I just thank God there aint no body here that knew me back then!!!!!
We should probably all thank God for that!!! I can only imagine what a handful YOU were!!
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Old 05-13-2008, 04:53 PM
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Re: Were you the church brat?hehe

I was the church angel. All the older people loved me!!!

Course there was this one time, when I was about 5. I apparently was crying rather loudly during service and my dad was carrying me out when my pastor said "Who's killin' the kid". They used to remind me of that often.
Mrs. LPW

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Old 05-13-2008, 05:08 PM
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Re: Were you the church brat?hehe

Originally Posted by Mrs. LPW View Post
I was the church angel. All the older people loved me!!!

Course there was this one time, when I was about 5. I apparently was crying rather loudly during service and my dad was carrying me out when my pastor said "Who's killin' the kid". They used to remind me of that often.
Just that one time, I'm sure!! UM HMMM!

You were probably one of those kids, (my brother was one of them) who always knew the right things to say to suck up to the adults!! While doing whatever they wanted to behind their backs!

I really couldn't stand that type!! I always said whatever I thought, which of course wasn't necessarily what the adults wanted to hear. I was always in trouble and my brother was the little angel. I still call him the "Golden Boy" he hates that!! LOL!!
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Old 05-13-2008, 05:11 PM
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Re: Were you the church brat?hehe

Originally Posted by dizzyde View Post
Just that one time, I'm sure!! UM HMMM!

You were probably one of those kids, (my brother was one of them) who always knew the right things to say to suck up to the adults!! While doing whatever they wanted to behind their backs!

I really couldn't stand that type!! I always said whatever I thought, which of course wasn't necessarily what the adults wanted to hear. I was always in trouble and my brother was the little angel. I still call him the "Golden Boy" he hates that!! LOL!!
You shouldn't be talking bad about your pastor like that!! But he is not my pastor and I remember a thing or two about him...
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Old 05-13-2008, 05:13 PM
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Re: Were you the church brat?hehe

Originally Posted by dizzyde View Post
Just that one time, I'm sure!! UM HMMM!

You were probably one of those kids, (my brother was one of them) who always knew the right things to say to suck up to the adults!! While doing whatever they wanted to behind their backs!

I really couldn't stand that type!! I always said whatever I thought, which of course wasn't necessarily what the adults wanted to hear. I was always in trouble and my brother was the little angel. I still call him the "Golden Boy" he hates that!! LOL!!
No, I really was an angel. I have no witnesses on the forum though.
MM came to town when I was in high school.. he could vouch for that time period HA.
Mrs. LPW

Psalm 19:14
Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.
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Old 05-13-2008, 05:15 PM
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Re: Were you the church brat?hehe

Originally Posted by dizzyde View Post
We should probably all thank God for that!!! I can only imagine what a handful YOU were!!
Now look!!! I never did anything wrong ever! Halo is still intact! I never did bite the babies in the nursery... I never hit that kid in SS and I never threw a fit so bad the pastor grabbed me out of ss and took me to his office and made me sit there the rest of service (now this pastor was closer than just a pastor to us so dont think this is a pastor being over bearing for those who dont know) I never was the one who got caught in the sound booth before church with the Sound booth mic making fun of his Arab accent by saying... Oh Theresa... Come here in that so strong voice LOL I was not the one who set off the alarm at least 10 times the first week I got my key (at 10 because I had to get to school real early to unlock the church my dad dropped me off) and so thank God the alarm rang to our home and so the police talked to MY parents first then I am NOT responsible for any of that!! NOPE...

But I have to say... one thing, My pastor may have put up with a lot from me but the one thing I know to this day and he is not even my pastor now just papa... but I can go to him NO MATTER WHAT! I remember the first bit of fear on how I would be accepted was when I was totally backslid and living a life that would freak some of yall out if you knew... and my ex had beaten me to a bloody pulp and decided to leave me on the church steps bleeding! In the middle of the night.. Now mind you papa is old so him coming to the church in the late late hours of the night never happen. I do not know if someone called him who had seen me there (our church was in a very prominent area of the Dallas metro) or if it was God... but he showed up there less than 10 min after I had been really pretty much left there for dead... and that was ultimately the day my life changed. So sometimes I am thankful for being the church brat!
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Old 05-13-2008, 05:18 PM
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Re: Were you the church brat?hehe

I remember one night... we were at Bro Rigdons church for a youth rally... and me and my sister were sitting up front with the youth from that church... well I forgot they had a balcony... and then Bro Tom Foster got up to make announcements and he said... Pastor ........ wants his kids (yall know who you are!) to quit passing notes and turn around and look at him right now!!!! OMG!!!! We tried to play stupid because we were not his blood kids and everyone knows his real kids... so we could play it off that they werent there! LOL Oh no... everyone looks at us... and so we gracefully turn around and there is Papa in the balcony (HE WAS NOT SUPPOSED TO BE THERE!!!!!!!) and giving us the LOOK! Oh we bout died!!!! ROFL
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Old 05-13-2008, 05:24 PM
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Re: Were you the church brat?hehe

Originally Posted by Baron1710 View Post
You shouldn't be talking bad about your pastor like that!! But he is not my pastor and I remember a thing or two about him...
Tell it to my mom, she still thinks he has always been perfect!! ARGH!!!

I think maybe it was the leukemia that wiped out all her memories of the bad stuff he did, I guess maybe I should cut him some slack! I guess...
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Old 05-13-2008, 05:31 PM
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Re: Were you the church brat?hehe

Originally Posted by AmazingGrace View Post
I remember one night... we were at Bro Rigdons church for a youth rally... and me and my sister were sitting up front with the youth from that church... well I forgot they had a balcony... and then Bro Tom Foster got up to make announcements and he said... Pastor ........ wants his kids (yall know who you are!) to quit passing notes and turn around and look at him right now!!!! OMG!!!! We tried to play stupid because we were not his blood kids and everyone knows his real kids... so we could play it off that they werent there! LOL Oh no... everyone looks at us... and so we gracefully turn around and there is Papa in the balcony (HE WAS NOT SUPPOSED TO BE THERE!!!!!!!) and giving us the LOOK! Oh we bout died!!!! ROFL
That is hilarious, I bet your face was red!!

I remember one time my dad was giving the altar call, and I totally was following along and praying.

And then my friend, who was sitting next to me said something funny, and I turned my head and laughed, right as the person sitting in front of me swayed to the side, so my dad got a straight shot of my laughing face.

He called me from the pulpit, something he only did a couple of times in my life, and I almost died. The weird thing was, no one but me heard it!!
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Old 05-13-2008, 05:32 PM
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Re: Were you the church brat?hehe

Originally Posted by Mrs. LPW View Post
No, I really was an angel. I have no witnesses on the forum though.
MM came to town when I was in high school.. he could vouch for that time period HA.
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