Paternal lineage came from England in 1632 on a ship named The Barnstormer. Ancestor went with William the Bastard from Normandy to fight with him at the battle of Hastings in 1066. For his bravery, he was given a large portion of England where the family still resides. Taxes to the crown was one red rose per year. We returned to Normandy in 1945 to fight on the beaches there. Later became a captive during the batlte of the bulge and freed by Patten's army at the close of the war.
The family traces its roots through France, Greece and Italy. The records indicate that my forefather is Linus mentioned by Paul in
II Tim 4:21. I have a very large book that traces the family all the way back to him. Someone has kept family records over the many centuries which is quite rare in genealogy.
After coming to America, according to church records, my forefather built the church where Geo and Martha was married at New Kent County, Va. Forefather was a family friend to them and also served under him in the Revolutionary war.
Another forefather fought on the wrong side in the Civil War and lost. His name is recorded on the Military walls in Vicksburg, Miss. Actually, all of my forefathers served in the wars of this nation, as did I as well.
My blood descent is a mixure of English, French, Irish, Welch, Dutch, Scotch and American Indian. Possibly other blood lines that I do not know about. Yes, one of my ancestors was also a slave owner of over 100 slaves in Louisiana. After they were freed, my forefather gave a large portion of the land to the freed slaves where some of them still reside until this day.
Just a rough sketch of the family history/lineage