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WPF News Discussion of the WWPF meetings in Tulsa and related sidetracks.

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Old 02-03-2008, 01:52 PM
embonpoint embonpoint is offline
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Re: Control Freaks Running The WPF??

Originally Posted by rkentsmith View Post
There was power mongering in Tulsa
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Old 02-03-2008, 01:53 PM
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Re: Control Freaks Running The WPF??

Originally Posted by Neckstadt View Post
They do however pastor churches.

These saints will follow them to the end of the age.

No matter what brand of soapbox heft is weighted upon the people to have to carry and bare.

Thank God the weights and fetters have been shaken off some....

To me the UPCI and the WPF just preach what you can and can't do.

But never offer any sunstantial direction for growth or revivial.

They preach separation as their foot hold..

Their bylaws are always 5 times longer than their articles of faith...

Brother there are threads on this forum that I simply don't reply to because I already know that my belief is biased one way or another.

You not only ignore that simple show of respect for others but you take it to a whole new level. It is more than obvious that you apparently had a bad experience with UPCI and I think its safe to say that everyone here knows also. Your bias is not only tilted so far that your post are almost silly but you can be insulting to many who don't have that experience. As one brother has said the UPCI has went through and is in the middle of a change for about the past year. Anyone who experienced BOTT this year knows that. My pastor preaches grace, mercy, evangalism, love, revival... likewise I haven't heard any preaching on standards or such. Your generalization of the whole organization is almost assinine.

Here is one for you,

Maybe its not UPCI that has the problem, maybe you have a submission problem, maybe you are simply not obedient to the will of God, maybe you have turned your back on the true love of Christ.

Silly, huh?!?

Now lets add your charactor to that.

Everyone not UPCI has a problem with submission and obedience to the will of God and thus all not in the UPCI have turned there back on the true love of Christ.

Guess I look pretty silly right now huh?!?!....Well bro. you look like this about every time you post.

You need to visit Sis Barbs thread "No man is an Island"
You can't reach the world with your talents. People are sick and tired of religious talents. People need a Holy Ghost annointed church with real fruits to reach out and touch their lives. ~ Pastor Burrell Crabtree

In fact I think that the insinuation of "hateful" Pentecostals is coming mostly from the fertile imaginations of bitter, backslidden ex Apostolics who are constantly trying to find a way to justify their actions. ~ strait shooter

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Old 02-03-2008, 01:58 PM
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Re: Control Freaks Running The WPF??

Originally Posted by scotty View Post
Brother there are threads on this forum that I simply don't reply to because I already know that my belief is biased one way or another.

You not only ignore that simple show of respect for others but you take it to a whole new level. It is more than obvious that you apparently had a bad experience with UPCI and I think its safe to say that everyone here knows also. Your bias is not only tilted so far that your post are almost silly but you can be insulting to many who don't have that experience. As one brother has said the UPCI has went through and is in the middle of a change for about the past year. Anyone who experienced BOTT this year knows that. My pastor preaches grace, mercy, evangalism, love, revival... likewise I haven't heard any preaching on standards or such. Your generalization of the whole organization is almost assinine.

Here is one for you,

Maybe its not UPCI that has the problem, maybe you have a submission problem, maybe you are simply not obedient to the will of God, maybe you have turned your back on the true love of Christ.

Silly, huh?!?

Now lets add your charactor to that.

Everyone not UPCI has a problem with submission and obedience to the will of God and thus all not in the UPCI have turned there back on the true love of Christ.

Guess I look pretty silly right now huh?!?!....Well bro. you look like this about every time you post.

You need to visit Sis Barbs thread "No man is an Island"
Very well said - I didn't answer the post for the reason you mentioned.
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Old 02-03-2008, 03:31 PM
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Re: Control Freaks Running The WPF??

Originally Posted by scotty View Post
Brother there are threads on this forum that I simply don't reply to because I already know that my belief is biased one way or another.

You not only ignore that simple show of respect for others but you take it to a whole new level. It is more than obvious that you apparently had a bad experience with UPCI and I think its safe to say that everyone here knows also. Your bias is not only tilted so far that your post are almost silly but you can be insulting to many who don't have that experience. As one brother has said the UPCI has went through and is in the middle of a change for about the past year. Anyone who experienced BOTT this year knows that. My pastor preaches grace, mercy, evangalism, love, revival... likewise I haven't heard any preaching on standards or such. Your generalization of the whole organization is almost assinine.

Here is one for you,

Maybe its not UPCI that has the problem, maybe you have a submission problem, maybe you are simply not obedient to the will of God, maybe you have turned your back on the true love of Christ.

Silly, huh?!?

Now lets add your charactor to that.

Everyone not UPCI has a problem with submission and obedience to the will of God and thus all not in the UPCI have turned there back on the true love of Christ.

Guess I look pretty silly right now huh?!?!....Well bro. you look like this about every time you post.

You need to visit Sis Barbs thread "No man is an Island"
Obviously Nathan is speaking from his experience. My own experience is similar but I sometimes do hear from people that sincerely say that they have never experienced the control and "weights" that Nate describes.

The issue of "control" within the UPC and its derivitives like the WwPF is prevalent enough that volumes have been written about it. Even our own culture attempts to address the issue. The first time I ever heard NA Urshan preach was in the church I attended in the late 70's and he preached about the "preaching fads" that we go through. He preached this same theme at a General Conference at about this same time.

Brother Urshan described the "tough preacher" as being a fad that he hoped that we had passed. He went on to describe the quitensential overbearing and control minded Apostolic preacher that Nate describes. if the General Superintendent was traveling the country and speaking out about this, then I don't think it was an isolated problem.

The fact that we have a group that wants to split off now after the UPC, for the first time in its history, stood up against the "control" movement would tell me that the problem still exists.

And FWIW - it's fair to challenge Nates assertions and his opinions. You did that when you said that you though he was "over generalizing." That's a fair criticism to make. However, to question his "charactor" (sic) goes beyond the pale. Stick to the issues and the information. Leave the judgments to the One who knows the heart.
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Old 02-08-2008, 10:19 AM
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Re: Control Freaks Running The WPF??

Originally Posted by Neckstadt View Post
They do however pastor churches.

These saints will follow them to the end of the age.

No matter what brand of soapbox heft is weighted upon the people to have to carry and bare.

Thank God the weights and fetters have been shaken off some....

To me the UPCI and the WPF just preach what you can and can't do.

But never offer any sunstantial direction for growth or revivial.

They preach separation as their foot hold..

Their bylaws are always 5 times longer than their articles of faith...
Look out! Your bitterness is oozing again...
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Old 02-08-2008, 11:05 AM
ogatt ogatt is offline
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Re: Control Freaks Running The WPF??

Originally Posted by Neckstadt View Post
They do however pastor churches.

These saints will follow them to the end of the age.

No matter what brand of soapbox heft is weighted upon the people to have to carry and bare.

Thank God the weights and fetters have been shaken off some....

To me the UPCI and the WPF just preach what you can and can't do.

But never offer any sunstantial direction for growth or revivial.

They preach separation as their foot hold..

Their bylaws are always 5 times longer than their articles of faith...
Young man you must be living in a cave.

The upc and wpf are liberals. they have bowed to political correctness and dont preach against anything.

their bylaws are a joke. My bylaws would work as a boat anchor in a hurricane.
where is it written in their bylaws about
white shirts
sideburn lengths
partin hair down the middle
beatles and hank willams sr music
paper skirts for visitin ladys in pants(mandatory)
drums in the church
black ties only
scheduled vacations approved by the pastor
glass front washing machines (used to be only in laundromats, now in homes)
short sleeves (if you wear short sleeves at our church you better have 12 inch arms)
8mm projectors

i would post the whole list but my hard drive wont hold it.

i do read it every sunday nite before we dismiss.
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Old 02-08-2008, 11:09 AM
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Re: Control Freaks Running The WPF??

Had breakfast with Cindy Austin, her brother Robby Mitchell is married to Lisa Godair
.I knew that the Godairs were with this new group but didn't realize he was the head honcho. Cindy said he is the number one guy. She said Robbie just took Jesse Williams church and she doesn't see Robbie leaving the UPC.
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Old 02-08-2008, 11:13 AM
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Re: Control Freaks Running The WPF??

Originally Posted by Sandra View Post
Had breakfast with Cindy Austin, her brother Robby Mitchell is married to Lisa Godair
.I knew that the Godairs were with this new group but didn't realize he was the head honcho. Cindy said he is the number one guy. She said Robbie just took Jesse Williams church and she doesn't see Robbie leaving the UPC.
It's my understanding there are SIX number one guys.
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Old 02-08-2008, 11:16 AM
ogatt ogatt is offline
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Re: Control Freaks Running The WPF??

i forgot
hair spray
trimming dead ends(hair grows from the scalp anyways)
black wingtips for men or cowboy boots required
chrome or gold belt bukles prohibited
i used to preach against women shaving their legs
but i told sister ogatt a few years ago
"one of us has to shave our legs"
so i have eased up on that one. But if you are a widow you shouldnt shave.
no doctors...
i'm tired of these hypocrites preaching against doctors and going to dentists and eye doctors
if God can heal your body then he can grow you some new teeth and heal your eyes.
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Old 02-08-2008, 11:18 AM
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Re: Control Freaks Running The WPF??

Rev. Ogatt,

Do you allow deodorant?
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