Originally Posted by Neckstadt
They do however pastor churches.
These saints will follow them to the end of the age.
No matter what brand of soapbox heft is weighted upon the people to have to carry and bare.
Thank God the weights and fetters have been shaken off some....
To me the UPCI and the WPF just preach what you can and can't do.
But never offer any sunstantial direction for growth or revivial.
They preach separation as their foot hold..
Their bylaws are always 5 times longer than their articles of faith...
Young man you must be living in a cave.
The upc and wpf are liberals. they have bowed to political correctness and dont preach against anything.
their bylaws are a joke. My bylaws would work as a boat anchor in a hurricane.
where is it written in their bylaws about
white shirts
sideburn lengths
partin hair down the middle
beatles and hank willams sr music
paper skirts for visitin ladys in pants(mandatory)
drums in the church
black ties only
scheduled vacations approved by the pastor
glass front washing machines (used to be only in laundromats, now in homes)
short sleeves (if you wear short sleeves at our church you better have 12 inch arms)
8mm projectors
i would post the whole list but my hard drive wont hold it.
i do read it every sunday nite before we dismiss.