Originally Posted by Dora
Rev. V.A. Guidroz, C. G. Weeks, Bro. C.L. Dees, etc. etc. All these men died without any kind of retirement plan or health care in their senior years. Even when Headquarters was made aware of Bro. Dees's situation, little or no support was offered. Is that okay?
I look at the ministry as being self-employed and it is their responsibility to obtain insurance and save for retirement benefits…not the organization. If a pastor is paid a salary through a board in a church, then they should offer some type of insurance/retirement as well.
I understand that younger ministers can’t afford to save much, but usually those in the ministry for a while have been successful enough in most cases to save more. Personally, as a single mom, I am considered low income, and I save 4% of my income for retirement….so even in cases where they don’t make much, money should be saved… it is good stewardship.
I know that it can be done as my parents who were in the ministry for over 40 years prepared for their future. My mother is currently in an assisted living facility (Alzheimers) where she is self pay. She has my father’s SS and his retirement from the church he pastored for 36 years. In addition, she has lived the last 9 years on IRAs and other savings that they chose to save and invest of the finances God blessed them with when they were younger.
As far as Health Insurance.. as a kid, we had health insurance through the UPC… it was J.F. Malloy… because I remember presenting the card to the Dr. office as a teenager. I think that they can’t afford the insurance plans now, and I totally understand.
That isn’t unusual.. many companies today can’t afford health plans and have had to go with very high deductible plans to even insure their employees. My own company which is in the medical field has a high deductible plan and we are encouraged to pay into a health savings plan to help. We are also counseled every year on weight management and healthy lifestyles. They also strongly encourage us to participate in the wellness center so that they qualify for a discount on our insurance.
Medical costs are through the roof and it is affecting many companies and some companies are not offering it as a benefit all together… so, UPCI not even being an employer shouldn’t be put down for not offering insurance anymore.