Originally Posted by Sarah
In all the years of my being in church, I don't think I've ever heard, or looked at it just like this.
I would like to hear more........
You are not alone. These things along with many others are pretty much fading out of sight from the Pentecostal/Apostolic movement. The day is far spent. The night of apostasy is upon us. There must be a remnant somewhere hid away in prayer, waiting for the coming (revival) of the Lord's Christ as did Anna and Simeon in the temple so long ago. If there is not that remnant, all is lost.
Elijah had similar feelings at one time. He thought that he was the only one left in the land that had not bowed his knees to Baal. But God had his eyes on the righteous. I really don't know where they all are, but I know that God has them somewhere.
Someone asked on this forum the other day "Where is that revival?" I responded, "I've been to the top of the mountain praying. I finally saw it over the sea at a distance, about the size of man's hand...and getting smaller and fading further away year by year.
Sister, I really don't know what to tell you except get your bible down and start reading it as though you would die unless you read it as a hungry lion would eat his slaughter. Then pray and ask for answers. God will hear you and he will also answer you, sending his Holy Spirit to teach you in all things.
God bless you in your quest for more of HIm.