I finally got a hold of our head pastor; I called him this morning at home in Bungoma, Kenya. He kept saying "It is well" and "God will provide". However, he and his family and eight orphan boys are all in his house, and cannot leave. He had talked to all of our pastors by cell phone, and only one of them is displaced. Pastor Mark and Sarah in Eldoret (where the AG church burned) had to leave his house and they are hiding at the police station. Pastor Chris is trying to contact him and get him and his family to also come to his house and hole up with them.
I cannot tell you how relieved I am that I got to talk to Pastor Chris and know that they are ok. I love these people like family! Please continue to pray for them, especially that they can find food. Thanks!
Please continue to pray~ the past two days have been a bit calmer, but they are planning some kind of big uprising on Tuesday. I just heard from some missionary friends in Nairobi.
Please continue to pray~ the past two days have been a bit calmer, but they are planning some kind of big uprising on Tuesday. I just heard from some missionary friends in Nairobi.
Absolutely will be praying, Sis. C...
There is so much to pray for...so much which commands our immediate and sincere attention...
The precious Alvears, Bro. & Sis. Ewing, the Saints and people of of Kenya, TB and Felicity's continued traveling mercies, the United Pentecostal Church and it's leadership as well as that of the new Fellowship, Sis. 'Monkeyman' (from Canada) who was burned...who am I leaving out?!
There is just so much that the concerns over this or that seem so insignificant and meaningless...may we remember today to hold these folks up in prayer.
It is so wonderful to belong to such a family of praying people. Had two pastors today asking me about the saints of Kenya and thanks for your prayers on our behalf.
Monies to help us may be sent to P.O. Box 797, Jonesville, La 71343.
If it is for one of our direct needs please mark it on the check.
Facebook Janice LaVaun Taylor Alvear
I got a long gut-wrenching email from our head pastor in Kenya today. The things that he described seeing in his small town are so horrible, I don't even want to mention them here. Thankfully today, he has been able to get out a little and get some money to try to find food. I can tell he is still in shock over the atrocities that he and his family have seen. He did get to drive to Eldoret to rescue our pastor in hiding, and take him and his family to another safe location, but on the way he had two tires shot out and the only reason he is alive is because he had a police escort, who happened to be a friend of his.
He said that his children are very skinny, but thank God they are alive. We as Americans just have absolutely no idea.
I saw a news report today where reporters went to Kenya to talk to Barak Obama's grandmother and uncle. Kenya is pulling for an Obama win.
Oh I know. Eastern Kenya (the Indian Ocean side) is mostly Muslim and they are pulling hard for Barak. He scares me because even though he is not Muslim by faith, I'm afraid he would be sympathetic toward them if anything arose. The Western side of Kenya is mostly Christian. That's where most of our churches are located.
Sherri received this email from their lead pastor in Kenya. Folks we don't realize how blessed we are! Continue to pray for these brothers and sisters in Kenya!
Dear Pastor Sherri,
I just took in a deep breathe then after a minute
> out,and there i was gazing and thanking God when i
> just realised that it's a little better today than
> ever since 30th December.I would write a book,it would
> be pages.The days i have been on this planet in this
> nation,never ever have i seen or heard these.It is
> parthetic!!!I stayed alone for while trying to figure
> out the word PEACE,though 5 letter word but is
> precious and if found should not be lost at all costs.
> I hadn't stayed awake in life for about a week,till
> last week.In the midst of gun shots that doesnt cease
> and houses torched all around,petrol stations
> exploding like bombs all around,children and women
> yelling all over-was the order of life that sorrounded
> us.The beautiful kenyan sun was a mystery that non
> managed to except through key holes on the
> houses.Safety was non less than JESUS our good
> saviour.Pastor,i have cried till i didn't do it
> again.I saw people taring up others as you could
> disect a chicken,i saw people blown off heads from gun
> shots,i saw people with no heads but a mere body-to
> mention but a few.I want to live for Jehova.
> A time came when i took my whole family to the
> remotest of our nation then i joined brethren to a
> forest for five days and nights to seek God over the
> situation.I was receiving phone calls from other pastors
requesting help which i could not offer.No money
> transfer,no open bank,no movements-it was a hell not
> the Kenya we enjoyed.When you called me-i hardly did
> want to break your heart-but truly speaking it's your
> prayers that helped us.The following day after you
> called,i called on my friend who works with the
> forces,he took me to the ATM at the bank for some
> money.I took our van from the police which had almost
> no fuel [because the commodity was no where-no
> transportation and also most stations had been set a
> blaze],on my way to save Pastor in Eldoret police
> station plus his wife and children,two of my tyres
> were blown off by bullets-it's the police that saved
> me.I took the money to pastor,took him to a safer estate
> and left him in the house-he called me yesterday that
> he is better.Thank God for the police who escotted me
> back.I incurred an expense of tyres which even now
> have no spare tyre.Thank God am alive.We finished the
> prayers yesterday,i just took my family back,they look
> skiny but thank God they are alive.Yesternight we
> experienced few gun shots within our estate but we
> slept a little.This morning we are going to burry a
> sister to my father in law who passed away in this
> chaos-real Aunt to my wife...
> Hey,the money you send me,has been a great bail out
> from a diversity of problems.The other pastors are
> okey,they are grateful that at least you managed to
> help them in hopeless condition-your prayers have been
> of GREAT help-sure.Today i see some people on streets
> and hope for the best,though the problem is not a
> short term-it will continue from a look of
> things.Maybe until a lasting solution comes from God
> through international agencies.Dialogue is necessary
> though hard to begin it.It's not so easy.
> Before the december chaos,i had already send the cash
> to the widow in Lordwar.She must have received
> it.Their place had no problem other than commodity
> supply due to roads that had been closed.Yesterday at
> least we had a service at our church and many people
> came though it was tensely emotional..Again thanks and
> please appreciate for us the people who have ever
> prayed with us.
> Pass our sincere love to all.We love you.Am meeting
> most of our pastors this wednesday.God bless you,my
> wife says hi.
Master of Science in Applied Disgruntled Religious Theorist Wrangling
PhD in Petulant Tantrum Quelling
Dean of the School of Hard Knocks
Thanks, Renda. I got another one from him today and found out that one of our pastors and his wife lost their home - it was burned because they are Kikuyu. Also, another pastor and his wife who have been married for over ten years and had no children - we prayed for them last year to have a baby. She was four months pregnant when all this started, and she miscarried this week, probably from all the chaos in Eldoret where they pastor. This is the town where the AG church was burned with all the people in it. Please pray that she will get pregnant again soon; they have to be grieving so much!