Originally Posted by cneasttx
Was Jesus the first Apostolic?
Yes, Cindy. Jesus is the first Apostle. An Apostle is a "sent one". He is the cornerstone, the capstone, which is the top stone of a pyramid. He is the first level of Apostleship. He was sent to recover mankind out of the snare (trap) of the devil. He was sent to destroy the works of the devil.
The next level of Apostles is the twelve, plus Paul, who was one born out of due season. You had to have actually seen Christ, in order to be accounted in this level of Apostles. These apostles were sent to make disciples of all men.
The third level of Apostleship consists of "God called" men and women, sent to places where there is no church and start one. These are people who have special abilities to handle finances and gifts of administration. They then turn those churches over to elders to continue the work, while they themselves go on to start another new work. This is the Office of Apostle that is set in the Church today.