Originally Posted by FRINGE_NUTTER
Little Rhoni, are you proposing that there be a slew of empty buidlings just taking up an acre of land?
Maybe there is a lot to be said for church in homes and small groups that are self-sufficient. The business and politics of the church makes us look bad sometimes.
I have seen small churches that are family owned which refuse to have a business meeting or to discuss the finances of the church. My thoughts are...what do they have to hide?
I've seen moderate to large churches making 30 minutes sermons out of every offering taken and making you want to get up and walk out.
I've seen church numbers in attendance inflated to include cats, dogs, and the neighbors driving down the street...to impress who?
There has been many a church that split or was dissatisfied because Daddy intended to make his son or son-in-law Pastor regardless of the will of the church membership or even the will of God.
Makes me want to puke to come in or out of a sanctuary, before or after and main service to have people with tables of things for sale from tickets to baked goods making the visitors and membership uncomfortable when they don't want nor can they afford to give another dollar.
To get more personal:
My mother hid the church woes from my unsaved father to the point of the Pastor's daughter getting a divorce because she fell in love with a handsome evangelist and obviously missed the will of God. My father learned about what was going on from the spouse she was divorcing in a bar.
People fool themselves by hiding sin. They need to call it out and handle it Biblically and practice forgiveness and restoration for the community to see...not lying, covering, and being hypocritical.
Just some of my thoughts on the matter.