Originally Posted by Steve Epley
In my simple way the way I use sincere is they are honest hearted searching for God but in what they are doing they are deluted-decieved and probably reprobate(I hope not) thus they cannot distinquish truth from error. It is all about them and nothing about God or truth. Not trying to be unkind but that is my simple analysis of folks like them.
Main Entry: sinˇcere
Pronunciation: \sin-ˈsir, sən-\
Function: adjective
Inflected Form(s): sinˇcerˇer; sinˇcerˇest
Etymology: Middle French, from Latin sincerus whole, pure, genuine, probably from sem- one + -cerus (akin to Latin crescere to grow) — more at same, crescent
Date: 1533
1 a: free of dissimulation : honest <a sincere interest> b: free from adulteration : pure <a sincere doctrine> <sincere wine>
2: marked by genuineness : true
— sinˇcereˇly adverb
— sinˇcereˇness noun
synonyms sincere, wholehearted, heartfelt, hearty, unfeigned mean genuine in feeling. sincere stresses absence of hypocrisy, feigning, or any falsifying embellishment or exaggeration <a sincere apology>. wholehearted suggests sincerity and earnest devotion without reservation or misgiving <promised our wholehearted support>. heartfelt suggests depth of genuine feeling outwardly expressed <expresses our heartfelt gratitude>. hearty suggests honesty, warmth, and exuberance in displaying feeling <received a hearty welcome>. unfeigned stresses spontaneity and absence of pretense <her unfeigned delight at receiving the award>.
don't know me so I will go ahead and tell you now; There is nothing simple about me and I won't pretend there is. I am one of those who digs and digs to get at the heart of a matter. Christian and I used to go on for hours because we are of like personality where that is concerned. It did not even matter the subject. It was just for fun but we could get quite heated. I appreciate the time you are taking to further explain. I just have always considered sincerity to be more broad in application than just doctrine or belief systems. It is an adjective that describes the heart or how we act or feel about a subject matter. Not the subject matter itself. To say CP was or is sincere is a given. To say he is right or wrong is the debatable part...not his sincerity. Hence the ly on the end of sincere. It denotes a discription of the attitude concerning the subject matter and the individual expressing the subject. Case in point?...I figure you are sincerely done with me and this subject matter 'bout now. LOL =} I dare say you are a debater and there's nothing simple about you either.
[QUOTE=Steve Epley;280156]In my simple way??? I don't buy that for a minute. I have known and still do know many simple people and although I don't know you too well, I
sincerely doubt you fit that category. I am having a blast, btw, I have lost my debater and I miss him.